

temporarely problem with homepage

Home Forums Important information about this forum Important information temporarely problem with homepage

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  • #9395
    helene schoubye

    Just to let you all know, that I am aware there is a problem with the main menu of the homepage having dissappeared.
    I am in contact with support in order to try to fix it.

    It will take a little while, hopefully not too long

    Kind regards Helene

    Solved – again rescued with very quick help from Rod Porteus.

    Rafael Eggli

    Thank you helene!


    Hi Helene! Just some minutes ago the census link didn’t work. I got an email “your mail to Benjamin Wilden couldn’t be sent”. With his email address.. Then I sent my report to him directly…

    helene schoubye

    Thanks Dorothee for letting me know. I also had another report of a mail that was unable to be delivered to this census email adress.
    However I also tested it tonight, and there was no problems.

    Again, I am on to support for help. What it is about is not that the email is not working, but that somehow somewhere along the lines (which I am not sure completely of) but the recieving mailbox (in your case rejects what it thinks to be a mail from an insecure connection. This may not at all be the case (that it is insecure) – but just thought to be, and its all a precaution from for example
    This is what I am trying to find out via support.

    helene schoubye

    Actually, I just tested it 3 times and had no problems, – and I just want to say, that your email, Dorothee, + the other mail which reported the problem, – both of these was actually recieved well enough, so there are these notifications, which you get, – but appently the mail is delivered as it should be.

    So for the time being I will not change anything and leave the census mail link on the homepage.
    Its unfortunate, and inconvenient, – but not apparently serious.

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