

Aquazoo Düsseldorf

In July 2022 three pairs of P. filamentosus came to Aquazoo Düsseldorf, and they quickly had offspring, – and after these grew up, they came to live in a 24000 liter big tank, which now has a population of around 50 Parosphromenus.

The Parosphromenus are doing well, despite the big volume of this tank, – actually so well, that we have been surprised, and are thinking about an opportunity to study the implications of keeping a large population in such big surroundings, – in terms of genetic development. It could tell us something about how to improve the overall keeping ex-situ of a wild species.

Parosphromenus filamentosus is not listed as Critically endangered, but the habitat is severely damaged as you can read about here.  And it is highly complex species, which  “Instead of being a sin­gle species, Fil­a­men­to­sus is more likely to be a quite big com­plex dis­trib­utes widely and con­sists of sev­eral sub–​species with a high diver­sity of local types “ (Shi, Journey to the Water, 2022)