

Malmø Museum and Aquarium

The Malmø Museum Aquarium is a public Aquaria, which already works with conservation of small freshwater species, and they decided in 2023 to keep Parosphromenus deissneri in a breeding program.  They also wish to display Parosphromenus in the front of their show-room, but the choice here has been to use Parosphromenus linkei. Both species are doing well in Malmø and have spawned several times.

Malmø Museum has contributed to census each year, and with great results. From a few pairs of P.deissneri, and a bit more of P. linkei, they now have over 100 offspring.

Parosphromenus deissneri is not on the IUCN red list as critically endangered, – which we believe is due to it not having been assessed in the last years. The island of Bangka, Indonesia, is heavily disturbed by many factors, mining, palmoil plantations etc, – and the natural habitats are reported as rapidly disappearing. 

This development is described in the article by Wentian Shi here ‘Rediscovery of the sapphire from Bangka : Parosphromenus deissneri’