



Declaration on the subsequent request for donations

The Parosphromenus Project (P-P) is an NGO. Membership is free for everyone. All employees work completely voluntarily. Expenses are financed privately. In order to operate this Website and to update from time to time, we therefore have to rely on voluntary donations from our members.

Costs fall for example on the software with which this website has been designed, the regular rent of the provider, update costs and 2015 technical for some expenses related to the first international conference in Hamburg (Germany), for example, the rental of the translation system. Nobody receives honoraria, travel expenses or other financial support. All donations are needed only for such purposes and issued.

We have the beginning of the PP in 2010, wrote to all personally known to us friends of the Paro and some organizations and asked for a donation, so that we could start. That allowed us to gather about 600 euros to begin operation. This was enough for starters. Over the years, members of the Steering Group and some other people who wanted to support our initiative, we then characterized helped that they have donated lecture fees and other monies. To date we have been able to fund operation with the original funds collected. However, now our financial cushion is low. If we do not wish to run the risk cutting back on the PP website we need to acquire some additional funding, in other words we need financial help.

In particular, spending on the Hamburg meeting and the forthcoming necessary for the sake of development of the software updates and changes to the site now make it necessary to inform our members that we need their voluntary financial support. We have therefore decided to set up for this purpose, an extra account with Paypal, so that everyone can make a donation for the continuation of the PP from any country in a very simple manner.

So, if you wish to support our PP, please consider a financial donation by clicking on this “donate” button of Paypal and your amount is automatically credited to the Paypal Koto of PP. It is used without any deductions to continue being able to support our activities.

For this purpose a stand: Helene Schoubye (webmaster of the PP) and Prof. Dr. Peter Finke (founder and head of the PP).