

Under­wa­ter jew­els threa­thened by for­est fires — by Shoal direc­tor Michael Baltzer

Under­wa­ter Jew­els threa­thened by for­est fires

by Shoal direc­tor Michael Balzer

In 2019 The Parosphromenus Project has become strate­gic part­ner with the new organ­i­sa­tion SHOAL Fresh­wa­ter Conservation.

The work of Shoal is aimed at focus­ing on cre­at­ing aware­ness and action in rela­tion to fresh­wa­ter species, through projects and fund­ing. Shoal is already involved in dif­fer­ent areas, and you can fol­low their work at https://​shoal​con​ser​va​tion​.org/

We are seing this as a very impor­tant and inter­est­ing step for us at the Parosphromenus Project and we are look­ing for­ward to work­ing toghether with Shoal to increase aware­ness of the faith of the parosphromenus species and the peatswamps.

We are thank­ful for the oppor­tu­nity, and wish to bring atten­tion to Michael Shoal (direc­tor of Shoal)‘s blog about the dan­gers by the con­sis­tent fires in areas of Malaysia and Indonesia.