

The Parosphromenus Gallery of Went­ian (N.J.B. Team)

In 2012 I got my first Parosphromenus at a local fish store, mixed with Ras­b­ora. I did not even know it is a Parosphromenus. Now I think it might have been a male anjun­ga­nen­sis. In 2014 I met the Book Pracht­gu­ramis – in der Natur und im Aquar­ium in Freiburg, and began my jour­ney with these won­der­ful fish. In order to find the first species of this genus, deiss­neri, my two friends, Dai and Ji, and I formed an Expe­di­tion Team, N.J.B., and flew towards Indone­sia. Ever since then we have vis­ited Indone­sia reg­u­larly and searched for Parosphromenus species that are lost in hobby or dif­fi­cult to find from the mar­ket. We hope to set up a com­plete col­lec­tion of the species and pre­serve them as much as possible.

Until now we have achieved 16 of the 20 known species and many local forms and not yet described species. In this Gallery I will share the pho­tos of our fish and expe­di­tion. We usu­ally try to obtain the species from their orig­i­nal type local­ity, to ensure the accu­racy of our fish. Thus, I hope this Gallery can serve as a cor­rect illus­tra­tion of species and their habi­tat, since some­times the pic­tures and names are mis­tak­enly mixed together on the internet.

Shi, Went­ian, 2018.