

Census Archive

Census Spring 2019

Census Spring 2019 (file)   Thank you for participation in the census! 31 reports were collected; that is again less than last time. First

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Census Autumn 2018

  Census Autumn 2018   We thank 34 participants for reporting their stocks! Except for  P. opalios  and  P. gundawani  all species seem to

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Census 2016 – oct – ger

Autumn Census 2016 Parosphromenus-Project Census 2016 Oct Synopsis Commentation of synopsis and godfathers Kommentar der Synopse und Paten commentation du synopsis et des parrains

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Census 2016 – oct – fr

Census Automne 2016 Parosphromenus-Project Census Automne 2016 Synopsis Commentation of synopsis and godfathers Kommentar der Synopse und Paten Commentaires du synopsis et des parrains

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