

An idea.

Home Forums Global Undetermined An idea.

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    It’s basicly my flame around the way the forum is organised and how it prevents people to be activly take place in it’s life. If you are not interested in it and my strange ideas, move along – there is nothing for you to see ;].

    It’s also a bit of a gibberish, but It evolved as I was writing it. So, please be open minded ;]

    I don’t really understand why it is so divided. The Continental parts could actually consist of three sections (6 in case of Asia):

    Habitat (Asia)
    Politics (Asia)
    Excursion (Asia)
    Scene and Peculiarities (It’s 8 topics tops, and revolves around the same thing – differences)

    So with the Global it should be easier. You either want to read about fish, or about the project and everything connected.

    So why not divide the global into two sections:
    -The fish – Parospromenus species. We don’t really need to have it under the global section, don’t we? It is global. Fish is a fish.
    -The project – Parosphromenus project

    The fish could consist of the following sections:
    -Species- and this one could branch a bit.

    The species section should be divided acording to the actual species we have! If I had an alfredi, then I would want to ask questions about my fish hoping that someone will help me, and I would want to post pictures of my Paros for people to see.

    My idea is to create whole “species” section, which might be easier to understand, and would be clearer for people to read. I’d like to see it in the following form.

    It would be a pain to create, but surely it would encourage people of the Paros-project to upload some information on species less known, and/or not so popular. It would also be usefull to determine the movement around certain species. I for example would be very happy to find all the info in one place, without the annoying search between all the topics. There are some photos in the “pictures” but for some reason most of them are in other places, which is extremely annoying. There is little movement around this forum, and I think it is mostly due to a bit chaotic fragmentation.

    Well, that’s it for the empty speech. How I would see this.

    1. THE FISH
    (gallery + questions + behaviour)
    1.1.1 P. alfredi
    1.1.2 P. allani
    –P. anjunganensis
    –P. bintan
    –P. deissneri
    –P. filamentosus
    –P. gunawani
    –P. harveyi
    –P. linkei
    –P. nagyi
    –P. opallios
    –P. ornaticauda
    –P. pahuensis
    –P. paludicola
    –P. parvulus
    –P. phoenicurus
    –P. quindecim
    –P. rubrimontis
    –P. sumatranus
    –P. tweediei
    –Other forms
    1.3 KEEPING AND BREEDING (for rack setups, and general info)
    1.4 GENETICS
    1.5 UNDETERMINED (?)

    2.1 SCENE
    2.2 POLITICS
    2.3 HISTORY
    2.4 UNDETERMINED (Project oriented)

    3. ASIA
    3.1 HABITAT
    3.2 POLITICS
    3.5 TRADE

    4. EUROPE
    4.2 TRADE

    5. AMERICA
    5.2 TRADE

    helene schoubye

    Hi there.

    Thank you for your input, I think its always great to have feedback on what we are doing. What I think is that the current structure is one which we decided at the start of the homepage, – and of course we have it as a goal to evaluate this structure after a certain time. This we would likely do at one of the annual meetings of the steering group.
    We have now had this structure for a good amount of time, and it seems natural for me that we would evaluate it some time soon. It makes also sense to look at how the structure actually has been used up to now, – some categories seems not to be very used, others makes really good sense.

    Your input, as well as others, if there are more, is very welcome.

    The way I see it it would not make sense to ‘separate’ things out in the project and the fish. This homepage is The project – around the fish 🙂 ..
    There are other forums, homepages where you would find species categories, – also parosphromenus categories as such, – but here I think it should not be separated. Its all about the Parosphromenus project bacicly.

    I must say, I also do think that having categories on the single species will not work, – most of the time the conditions, problems, behaviour etc really does not differ between the species, – the difference mostly is around identification. We would end up having ’empty’ categories here as well, I am sure.

    . There are some photos in the “pictures” but for some reason most of them are in other places, which is extremely annoying. There is little movement around this forum, and I think it is mostly due to a bit chaotic fragmentation.

    – I am not sure I understand what you mean by this ?

    But I do think you have a point in perhaps looking at evaluating the current structure and see if what we started out with is serving the purpose we intended 🙂

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