

An introduction.

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    Maurice Matla

    Hello everyone,

    Just registered here and thought i´d first introduce myself. (although not sure were to put it)

    My name is Maurice. I´m 35 years of age comming up to 36 this February. living in my beautiful hometown of Delft, wich is in the Western part of the Netherlands.

    I have quite a few interrests in live but my 2 passions are traditional Budo, esspecialy teaching,and, no surpises here, aquaria. I have kept fish since the day i turned 5 years old.

    Due too changes in my life the past few years i no longer have the space, to keep LARGE Dutch syle planted tanks. Besides that after 20 something years i am pretty much done with the whole showtank thing.

    I thought about changing over to breeding fish again wich as a kid i enjoyed so much. Looking for an interesing species or genus i came across Parosphromenus recently. Started looking for more information on them and ended up here. In Dutch there is almost nothing about them to be found and for as far as i can find in The Netherlands noone is regularly breeding any…

    Wich, of course, sparked my curiousety a bit further.

    I am now in the proces of gethering info on these pretty little fish and considdering to give it a go with these fellows.

    Hope to learn a lot from you guy´s.


    Pavel Chaloupka

    Hello and welcome 🙂 I am quite sure you will find all the info you need, also check the article section. Paros tanks are much different from what you did but I think it could be a very pleasant change and you do not need much space B)

    Maurice Matla

    Thank you.

    I allready found more here then i did anywhere else so that should be a good sign.

    Indeed it is a bit different for one the water here straight from the tap is very suited for a planted showtank not so for breeding Paro´s. Thus i would have to learn how to prepare water wich is a new thing.

    Ah well allpart of new ¨game¨i guess.

    Tautvilas Laureckis

    Hello Maurice,
    Welcome to PP! I am a newbie here too. I love this forum, here is very important and usefull info regarding parosphromenus. All these new things from general or planted aquarium to paros tank will help to increase knowledge and perception to this little jewel fish and all of it surrounding. This interest will have value for endangered fish. It is important!

    Maurice Matla

    Thank you Yankadi

    Well that is of course one of the reasons to considder these guy´s over ,for instance discus or angelfish.

    It is a pretty big changeover though. Still wrapping my head around the idea that these tanks can be actually 20-70 fold smaller than wat i know…

    In some way´s it´smore difficult it seens in other way´s not so.

    I mean yes water preparation is a must but no elaborated lighting required, no plant care additives (Kno3, Kpo4, etc) no Co2 i take it no careful pruning 1-2 a week and so on.


    [quote=”Maurice” post=4133]Looking for an interesing species or genus i came across Parosphromenus recently. Started looking for more information on them and ended up here. In Dutch there is almost nothing about them to be found and for as far as i can find in The Netherlands noone is regularly breeding any…

    Wich, of course, sparked my curiousety a bit further[/quote]

    P-P members Armin and Bartian live in the Netherlands. I personally very appreciated the topics and advices of Karen Koomans on the old Dutch Labyrintvissen Forum. You can also trace back her experiences on other forums, in other languages. Regulary, I update my own threads on a belgian forum with members in both Low Countries. One of the actual two pictures of the week is … a paro 😉 and nowadays another member overthere documents his first attempt with a paro tank in Dutch as well.

    Maurice Matla

    If that si the Armin i think it is… He is located under 30 mins from my home.

    THank´s I´look into that soon.

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