Hello all,
This is Pavan here from India 🙂 ,
Recently bought a few fishes which were sold to me as Parosphromenus Deissneri,They are currently 1″ in size,
Feeding them Grindal worms,Brine shrimps and Tetrabits. Can anyone Id them for me please? I have have a strong feeling that they are bettas :huh: .
Here are some pics of them,(Sorry for really bad quality of pics)
These clearly are Betta, probably splendens species group. Which one is’t visible, but it isn’t smaragdina, mahachaiensis or stiktos. Looking at the red seam in the caudal and the blotch in the tip of the anal fin (third picture), my guess would be imbellis.
Make some better pictures, preferably in nuptial colouration.
If it makes you feel better, the first group of Paro’s I bought, supposed to be tweediei, was actually Betta imbellis.
They are nice bettas though, mine are finally fully colored and flaring at each other. They are nicer in person than most online photo’s I’ve seen make them look.