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    Benjamin Wilden


    has anyone ever tried to use adult Artemia? I know there are sometimes adult Artemia in stores available, but I won´t use them.

    Last year I think, I saw a circle system for artemia. There were two tanks one with algae and one with the artemia. I don´t get the real setup now but I would like to know if anyone tried something like this. Adult artemia should be better for adult Paros and there would be no problem with the cysts.

    Pavel Chaloupka

    I use ongrown artemia a lot, not to adult size, but I basically do not feed instar 1 nauplii unless I have to given the size of the fry. Ongrown artemia has better nutritional value compared to instar 1 nauplii when fed properly. Protein content is higher and essential amino acids are higher too. Lipid content may vary dependent on the feeding, but it is quite easy to encapsulate with emulsified lipid concentrates if you are not sure. I do not run flow systems, just feed the nauplii with algae where the lipid content can be manipulated by cultivation methods.


    Hello Bennie,
    Once I bought such adult Artemia … They where nice entertainment for the P.linkei, but they didn’t eat them 😉 only my Spaerichtys selatanensis had a try to use them as food … And my P. Phoenicurus even are afraid of white mosquito larves 😉

    Pavel Chaloupka

    [quote=”7 Zwerge” post=4122]And my P. Phoenicurus even are afraid of white mosquito larves ;-)[/quote]
    :woohoo: I saw some 2 cm fry hunting smaller of these in the parental tank. It look like they will never be able to swallow such a big creature, but they are. Then they turn in to little balls for couple hours 😀 But my paros have a hard life, no small mouthfulls since they are able to catch bigger ones.

    Benjamin Wilden

    Do you only feed them or really let them multiply?

    I think the generation time is not to big but I don´t know how much naupli they produce. I thought someone might have tested it.

    Pavel Chaloupka

    I only feed them as running a culture requires some space, they do not multiply as fast as Moina for example. But some of the guys I know run outdoor cultures during the summer. I have no personal experience with how much effort it takes to maintain the reproduction without the resting eggs, but from what I know from papers, they should be quite hardy and able to tolerate high levels of nitrogen in all common forms. Biggest problems in the cultures are same during the feeding when some powder substances are used. Bacteria and high levels of suspended solids covered by bacteria that consume the oxygen.

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