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  • #8189
    Jonette Stabbert

    I’m having a really difficult time lowering the pH in preparation for eventually getting fish. (I’m starting to get impatient! It’s taking so long!) I have Catappa leaves and am slowly adding Eichen extract every day and am ordering some alder cones. Now I learned that two of my filters contain active charcoal and that works at cross purposes with my additives. So I’m ordering ceramic filter material to substitute for the charcoal. When I have some nano tanks set up, I will use simple sponge filters in them. But for now, I am attempting pH 6 and I haven’t been able to lower my pH 8 (tapwater) lower than 7.5

    The smaller tanks will (I hope) eventually have 4.5 – 5 pH

    Should I also buy a reverse osmosis system? If I do, is that to be used in combination with the Catappa and other additives? Will it provide a more stable pH?

    I am only just learning about these methods and feel very insecure about mastering them.

    Arno Beißner

    Hello Jonette,
    if you have some carbonate hardeness in the water the ph dont go lower.
    Use clean rain -water or osmose-water.

    Greetings Arno

    Jonette Stabbert

    Thank you, Arno. I am ordering an osmosis unit.


    Jolanda Wisseborn

    Hello there, just entered here and think this site is great.

    Just like Jonette, I also have a wildtank cycling for 4 weeks, filtering over turf and have catappa and beechleaves.

    My Ph is normal around 7 and now it’s down to 6.4. My Kh is always low 3. My Gh is gone down from 8 to 4.8. Is it wise to lower till 6?

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