I’m having a really difficult time lowering the pH in preparation for eventually getting fish. (I’m starting to get impatient! It’s taking so long!) I have Catappa leaves and am slowly adding Eichen extract every day and am ordering some alder cones. Now I learned that two of my filters contain active charcoal and that works at cross purposes with my additives. So I’m ordering ceramic filter material to substitute for the charcoal. When I have some nano tanks set up, I will use simple sponge filters in them. But for now, I am attempting pH 6 and I haven’t been able to lower my pH 8 (tapwater) lower than 7.5
The smaller tanks will (I hope) eventually have 4.5 – 5 pH
Should I also buy a reverse osmosis system? If I do, is that to be used in combination with the Catappa and other additives? Will it provide a more stable pH?
I am only just learning about these methods and feel very insecure about mastering them.