

Books on Paros

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    Peter Finke

    As David Armitage told me, the “Special issue No. 1” of the AAGB’s Labyrinth Series, our booklet on Parosphromenus, is nearly sold out. Maybe there are 20 copies or so left. So: If you didn’t order it already, do it quickly. This booklet of 48 pages is fully in English language! The question is whether to print a second edition? That is not yet clear. So please buy your copy in order to have it. Because of the price and address see our starting page.

    An announcement: As it appears, the first extensive book on Parosphromenus, written by Martin Hallmann and myself, will appear in the autumn this year. There are two publishers interested; we decide to whom we will give it in about two weeks. The book will contain a little less than 200 pages and hundreds of photos by different authors. We think it will fill the needs of all who are interested in these fish and the future of their natural habitats. It deals with Paros in nature and in the aquarium. There are many photos of original habitats as they looked in former times and today.

    But: The book will be in German! Certainly, it will be interesting and rewarding to read for all friends of that genus, but the language is German.

    The price is not yet fixed exactly. Maybe it will cost nearly 30 Euros (about 35 US-dollars). We authors will probably earn nothing by that, since the production of such a costly book is rather expensive.

    Najib Samsuri

    how can i buy the booklet?

    helene schoubye
    Bill Little

    For North American members I have 3 copies remaining from the original purchase made at publication time. Send me a private message and I will make arrangements to get a copy to you.

    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, few weeks ago I received one copy of this issue. Great job was done to write this – it should be standard position on the shelf of every paro keeper 🙂 I can’t wait for the whole book about paros…

    Best regards !


    Hello Peter,
    I am glad to hear the full book is going to be published too! Yet, the booklet is really nice thing to have. Well done!

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