

DATZ Article

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    Rafael Eggli

    Hello everyone!

    I just wanted to quickly tell you about my article in the DATZ magazine (german) on the Parosphromenus-Project. It is in the current (June) issue of the DATZ on pages 48-56. In the article, I summarize my experiences with the project throughout the last year and I give an overview to the results of my paper. For anyone interested, this is the link where you can get the magazine from:
    I will contact them once the july issue is published, if I am allowed to put the article on here…

    Bill Little

    Rafael – congratulations on getting your article published. It is not often we see something published by an individual as young as you. I assume it will be only available in German?

    Maurice Matla

    A pitty that i am not very good at reading German allthough it is so much like Dutch that i will get a general understanding.

    Rafael Eggli

    Dear Bill, Dear Maurice,

    Thank you for the congratulations 🙂 I was myself surprised how quickly they accepted it als I had expected them to have me reedit parts of it.
    yes, it will only be available in German in the magazine but I have been thinking about this lately. Since I am about to write my final exams for grammar school, I will soon have a bit more time off before university starts in September so I thought about translating the article into English. Of course, it will not meet the level of sophistication you guys from the US or UK are going to be used to but It might give a good overview and insight to the original article. Also, I have to doublecheck with the publisher if I am allowed to do that…

    Greetings Rafael

    Pavel Chaloupka

    Dear Rafael,

    It is great that you are making the P-P visible again in such a medium. Good job!

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