

Disaster in my tank

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    Ryan P

    Hi everyone, I want to thank everyone for taking the time to answer (at length) many of my questions.

    My latest obeservations:

    The paros are all eating well and look well. The two of them that very closed caudal fins are begining to open up. But I am sure I see something gray and patchy on them, almost similar to the picture of the chocolate I posted. I will keep an eye on it, I just hope it doesn’t spread quickly. I notice that those fish swim almost with their tail end slightly pointing down, as if it was dragging itself.

    The chocolates have colored back up, some look normal, caudals starting to open. I have not noticed them eating yet.

    A few of the sparkling gouramis are still scratching/flashing against plant leaves. They were doing this before I medicated.

    Tonight, I am going to drain the tank down to about 7 gallons and slowly add a gallon a day at first of 5.0 RO water.

    At this point, my prize fishes are the paros. I just hope the other fish are not going to give a disease to all my paros. I am very encouraged by many comments here showing the paros have a strong immune system.

    Ted L. Dutcher

    How are things going with your tanks? Hope all is getting better!

    Ryan P


    Things do seem to be getting better. I believe the two paros that had clamped fins do not anymore. I have not lost any paros at this point. One chocolate died.

    I do notice the original fish with would I believe was columnaris is scraping against plants, sometimes violently as well as a couple of paros. So I do believe I have to medicate. I wonder if it is too soon? The chocolates will not eat which to me indicates a bacterial problem. So I want to kill the bacteria before it can spread to the paros.

    I am going to use Maracyn Plus (Sulfadimidine and Trimethoprim together) because I was using Erythromycene originally when this happened, and I assume by now the bacteria are completely resistant to it

    I just wonder if I should wait to medicate any longer? I became more concerned when I saw the paros scratching because I’ve never seen that before. All the fish are extremely skiddish, they dart around at the slightest thing moreso than normal. I don’t know if it is indicating something bacterial at this point, or the fact the ph when from low 5.0 to almost 8. I still have to adjust the ph back down, I just don’t know what to do first.


    Ted L. Dutcher

    Usually when fish are flashing against substrate, plants or rocks it is a sign of an external problem. Gill flukes, ich etc. I have little or no experience in fish meds and cannot recommend much of anything for you.

    You fish will do fine once your pH gets down from the 8.0 Like I said before, I targeted 5.5 for pH and it seems to have settled in now. I got the fish from Wet Spot. Ordered them the day that they rec’d them from the shipper and they are doing well. If they had them for months I would not have ordered.

    Get your tank and it’s parameters stable then treat the fish. If they are going “downhill” then treat them asap. to save them, it is all a risk with disease and meds.

    Ryan P

    Happy to report the fish are looking better. No deaths. No medicine. No scrating against objects.
    Licorice haven’t colored up yet but are getting there.

    Slowly bringing ph down to target 5.0.

    Merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone.


    Ryan P

    Happy to report the fish are looking better. No deaths. No medicine. No scrating against objects.
    Licorice haven’t colored up yet but are getting there.

    Slowly bringing ph down to target 5.0.

    Merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone.


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