

Goodfather program

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  • #4471
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, finally movement to my new house become a reality and a new, big rack for aquariums appear 🙂
    Now I will have enough space for secound species of Parosphromenus. I, from the beginning thought that the goodfather program it is very good and important idea. And now, finally I’m ready to be a part of it.
    Peter, please choose one of Paros species which is important to be in this program and I will take care of it. My only requirement is that this species could be different from the P.sp.Sentang ( which I have now and I will still keep that paros.) We could also agree in what way we will manage the transport of fishes (I can easy go to Berlin for example..) Let me know if will have some ideas..
    Greetings for all!

    Peter Finke

    Very good indeed, Martin! That’s good news! I shall think it over and wie will surely find a solution. If you can fetch the fish personally from Berlin, then we shall find a species which you can get there from our friends.
    I shall write to you as soon as possible. And I very much hope that there will be some others who have the same idea!

    helene schoubye

    I too think its a very good idea, but sometimes is not so easy. At one time one thinks it goes really well with one species and then suddenly something happens and again you end up with one single fish and no wife or husband 🙁 … – so in a way you really have to have quite many fish of the same species in order to really be ‘godfather’.
    At this present time I have a really exellent parent-couple in p.Nagyi and they produce many offsprings. What I think I have to do, though, is to wait for these offspring to grow up, find males and females and have many ‘pairs’ – minimum 4-5 pairs, and then I would feel okay sure that I had a sure base from which I could distribute any offsprings.
    At the moment this is what I try to do with the p.Nagyi and perhaps p.harveyi, of which I also have quite a lot (though females is never many, also not in the offsprings) – but I think its better to keep to one or two species instead of many.
    Which of course means 😉 that I have too many species .. ah, but which ones to not have ?

    Anyway, I wish you luck, I think it is really good what you aim to do

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