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  • #4507
    Ted L. Dutcher

    Would just like to introduce myself:

    My name is Ted and I live in Southern Maryland (USA).
    I have been studying the Parosphromenus species for a while and have decided to give it a go for raising these amazing and greatly endangered species.

    I am in the process of setting up 2 to 4 tanks (approx 5 gallons each) and a 20 gallon with a solid plexiglass divider, so as to have 2 ten gallons. These tanks will NOT be setup all at once. I will start slow and easy for the first species or 2.
    I’ve read all I could find but please be prepared for questions and help.

    I already have a bag (large) of oak leaves “stewing” to make blackwater tonic, along with an inert (quartz) substrate (just enough to cover the bottom of each tank.

    Water parameters should not be a problem as that I have an RO water filter. I have always done “low tech” tanks so I am hoping all will go relatively smooth.

    I would also already like to thank Peter and Helene for their encouragement and help.

    Peter Finke

    Ted, you are really welcome here! We very much hope that our American forum will become a little livelier by the new members. For quite a few new members have registered since that AMAZONAS issue has appeared some weeks ago. But we had to learn that there are great problems in getting hold of some licorice gouramis in the U.S. This is quite different here in Europe, especially in Germany. We have nearly all species in good numbers since we have a different tradition of breeding privately even those rare fish that need very special water and food. But I think with the help of ALFA, your new Anabantoid association, you will slowly go into the same direction.
    For the time being, I can only repeat our invitation to the First International Meeting of our project in Hamburg (Germany), 28/29th September 2013.If there is only one visitor from the states he could go home with many pairs of many species, some even hitherto not scientifically described. The starting pairs of most of them have been privately caught at the original localities and therefore are correctly determined.
    Best wishes, Ted, and try to get in contact with your colleagues in the U.S. If you need addresses, I shall be ready to send them to you.
    And – please – write on your problems and experiences here!


    Did you find paros yet?
    I just found P. opallios on aquabid. They only ship in the States so perhaps the American members are interested…

    They have more!

    Bill Little

    Most of us in the U.S. are aware of this source and several have purchased stock from them on occasions.

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