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    helene schoubye

    Peter, I think thats is really interesting and a good explanation.
    It is very clear, that since P. gunawani was officially decribed, it has been seen offered quite a lot of times around in shops in different countries, – and before that it was never ever offered.

    But as we sometimes talk about, – the fish from the bintan group are really beatiful, and it would be so good if it was possible to also get some more knowledge regarding the variations in this group.
    So we certainly will try to document these fish, – and find some good photos also, – its really quite interesting.

    Pavel Chaloupka

    Thanks for getting this straight for me Helen and Peter. I was not realy buing them becouse they were marked as gunawani luckily, I was looking for something new and interesting for me and there for I bought the fish becouse they were just Paros. So no problem for me that they are not P. gunawani. I discovered new super interesting and important field of aquaristics thanks to these fish and I was looking for some info on them and discovered parosphromenus-project.

    helene schoubye

    Yeah, I know that feeling, and I did understand you, – that you were not looking for this particular species, – but that that was the one that was there.
    But it is really so interesting the way these things happens with the identification, – and theres always some good learning to be done 🙂

    Of course – being so actually rare in the hobby, – mind you, – when one day it really is P. gunawani :woohoo: we wouldnt hesitate to advice you to buy all you can …

    Well, one day .. as with p. deissneri

    Davy Grenouillet

    Yes P. deissneri :woohoo:

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