

Hello form Hawaii

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    Just wanted to say Hi and hope to enjoy this group to the fullest. Currently have a hopefully to be breeding pair of P. dessinerii (still getting my spelling and Latin names down for the Genus). As well as two female “Samurai Gourami” a few minature loaches, a couple octopi the (spelling again… aka small algae eaters), and a small school of micro rasboras “spice.” I’ve been growing carnivorous plants native to South East Asia of the genus Nepenthes, for just over ten years now. With a side of Drosera and Pinguicula. And when I found access to the fish I was both thrilled and amazed that almost all my living hobbies seem to revolve around the same broad region. As soon as I figure out how to upload pictures/get my tanks in presentable form I’ll gladly post all I can.

    Mahalo for the add and I hope to bring only positivity and added learning to the group. Although my ways tend to lean on an unorthodox approach.

    Rafael Eggli

    Hi, great to meet you!

    To upload pictures, you have to press the “add file”-button and then select the picture you want to share with us.

    I would love to see the octopus!

    It would also be amazing if you could add some pictures of your “deissneris”, especially a male on display. However, we are almost certain that these will be some other species – which one we can tell only when you show us pictures with clear coloration…
    Do you remember where you have gotten the paros from? The exact source and maybe even some location description could defenitely help us a lot.

    It’s great to see that the Paroproject gains more and more members from all around the world!!! I hope you will find any information you may need on this page. It is really an interesting topic and you can’t get rid of the paro-virus once you get to breed these jewels

    Greetings Rafael


    Well I don’t have any octopussies. But I can get some cephalopod pictures for you. I’ll be working at getting good photos of the fish this weekend, as well as the tanks. On top of that I’ll look into the source and origin.

    As soon as I have the funds for expansion I’ll be inquiring into other species.

    Definitely glad to be here! And very glad to meet you Rafael!

    Rafael Eggli

    Ooops, I Should not always hurry so much when reading…

    Somehow i missed out the brackers After octopi… and made the wrong assumption.


    No worries, been guilty of the same mishap.

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