

ID help, please

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  • #7974
    Petra Glover

    Hi all,
    I have a slight dilemma and I hope you can help. About a year ago, I bought a pair of (labelled as) parosphromenus deissneri from my LFS. However, the male never really looked as showy as deissneri, so they may have been sp blue stripe. The female died recently, so I was looking to replace her. I went back to the same LFS who had got in some ‘deissneri’ and I was lucky enough to get a young pair, as well as asking them to order in a girl to go with my lone male.
    However, when I got them home and into a tank, the new male started to look very different to my ‘old’ male. He started displaying and his caudal fin runs (from the peduncle), blue, red, white, black or blue.
    I know he’s not fully grown yet, but when he flared his tail, it was very round. I played around with some of the photos to see if I could really make the colours clear, but apologies if they are poor quality as they were on my phone.
    Hope someone can help tell me a) whether or not they are deissneri and b) what they might be.

    Peter Finke

    Forget all advertizing as deissneri. Although the photos are not sharp, this fish is something like P. spec. blue line. Very different from deissneri. You see true deissneri for example in our book in brilliant photographs. It’s the typical nonsense of the traders who simply use this oldest name for nearly all species of Parosphromenus. True deissneri has up to the present day been never imported commercially but only by private breeders that visited Bangka. There is no commercial activity on Bangka at all. The male deissneri is strikingly unique by structure and colour. See our species section.

    But your fish is nice, strongly coloured and you should try to breed them!

    Petra Glover

    🙂 Thanks, Peter. I will be trying to breed them! OK, so if he could be p.spec blue line, with the strong red markings (at about 2 cm long), then what could my old male be? He has very rarely ever shown any colours other than blue. He’s fully grown at about 3-3.5cm long and even when he displayed for his mate he used to look pretty much the same as usual, just a little bit darker. He seems to have little white ‘tear drops’ in his caudal fin, rather than a strong line. He is the one I am trying to find a mate for, so I want to try to keep to the same sub-species.

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