

Information for new registrated users –

Home Forums Important information about this forum Important information Information for new registrated users –

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  • #5584
    helene schoubye

    At the present – mai 2013 – we have introduced a small security procedure because we have had a few annoying spammers who wants to post posts about handbags and other things irrelevant to this site.
    This unfortunately means that all new members will not be able to write any posts in forum untill their first post have been appoved by an administrator. If as a new user you write a post and do not see this online, this is the reason why.
    We will try to be as quick as possible with this, and feel free to write me personally if you think it takes too long time.
    You may use the email below to webmaster.

    Hopefully this can be changed when they forget about us 🙂

    helene schoubye

    As of today – 17 of june 2013 – I have removed this security setting, – because I have now found another well working solution.

    For the time being though, we still keep up the procedure of all new users having to be approved by admin on registration. This may also in time not be needed, however it is only of little inconvenience, – so I hope it is okay for now.
    And any new member / user can now write in forum without having to wait for approval.

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