

Kalimantan Timur

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  • #4244
    Peter Finke

    I just responded to a note of Patrick’s in the Global forum whre he told us that he has new P. pahuensis swimming in his tank. At present this species is well distributed with quite a few breeders in Europe. But that was completely different some years ago. I repeat the small story I just put in the global forum here because it’s mentioning Kalimantan Timur, the home range of the most easterly distributed licorice gouramy:

    (…) In fact, (now in 2012) we have quite a few members who have some flocks of young pahuensis swimming at present. That was completely different in 2008. At that time pahuensis was the only species of our genus that was completely non-existent in Europe. I knew that only some months ago the friends of the “Team Borneo” from Japan had managed to catch some specimen in Kalimantan Timur and brought them to Japan. (One should know: Most travellers to Kalimantan travel to K. Tengah or K. Barat, but only very few to K. Timur. P. pahuensis is the most easterly occuring species of Parosphromenus).
    Then in June 2008 I gave a lecture on Parosphromenus in Berlin in front of members of the EAC (European Anabantoid Club), and after I had finished president Horst Linke handed a small package over to me as a reward. I was absolutely sure that fish were inside. Linke had been to Sumatra a short time ago and found that fine spec. Langgam, and so I hoped that he gave me my first ever Langgam. But I was wrong.
    He told me to open the wrapping and have a look in front of all people. What I saw produced the greatest astonishment for me since long: I saw a pair of pahuensis! And I said: “But this is impossible! I know that there are no pahuensis in all Europe since quite a number of years! There are only some in Japan since a few weeks time!”
    “Well”, Horst said, “now you have some. But it was rather difficult to get them here from Japan, I tell you tonight.” And he did. I don’t repeat that here, it’s too long a story. I was extremely pleased and excited, I never would have thought of such a suprise.
    And since then we have pahuensis here in Europe. And should not loose them again!!! So, be lucky and get them breed.

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