

Letter of concern to the Indonesian president

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  • #4327
    Peter Finke

    The Council of Judges at the
    Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara (PTUN)
    Di Banda Aceh
    Fax: + 62 651 27883

    President of the Repblic of Indonesia
    Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
    JL. Veteran No. 18
    Jakarta 10110, Indonesien
    Fax. +62 21 34834759

    Attn: The competent judges for the case No. 19/G/2011/PTUN-Banda Aceh

    Dear Sirs,

    in relation to the case of the destruction of the Tripa peat land ecosystem, filed by the Nongovernmental Organization Walhi against the governor of Aceh, Irwandi Yusuf, concerning his official permission to build an oil palm plantation in the peat swamps (No. 525/BP2T/5322/2011), I would like to convey the following:

    1. My strong support for efforts to save the Tripa peat lands in Nagan Raya and Aceh Barat Daya Districts as an area for environmental protection that supports the livelihoods of the local people of Tripa in particular, and the people of Aceh in general, and also provides important ecosystem services such as protection against tsunamis and floods, as well as carbon sequestration, as an important component of the Government’s general commitment.

    2. That the Tripa peat swamps have been designated as a National Strategic Area for Environmental Protection (as part of the Leuser Ecosystem) in the National Spatial Plan, and as an Area for Environmental Protection in the Regional Spatial Plan of Sumatra, and these plans mandate their protection. The Parosphromenus-project is an international organisation for the benefit of sustainment of the biodiversity in south-east Asia, taking little-known small fish of the blackwater peat swamps as guiding organisms.

    3. My great concern at the condition of the Tripa peat swamps that continue to be unilaterally destroyed by oil palm companies with no consideration for the safety of local people of Tripa and the sustainability of the environment. Further we would like to stress that, based on the findings of Sawit Watch that oil palm companies regularly have deleterious impacts, for example at least 28 cases of social conflict were recorded in 2011, forest destruction, and pollution, we do not wish to see such conditions repeated in the Tripa peat swamps.

    Based on the above, we respectfully request the President’s consideration of, and support for, efforts to save this area, both for the sake of the safety of the local communities and the preservation of the local environment, and as a contribution to the commitment to the reduction of carbon emissions that you have so forcefully made.

    In summary I would like to ask the honourable judges of the court of Banda Aceh, who are appointed to decide the case No. 19/G/2011/PTUN which was filed by the complainant Walhi against the governor of Aceh, Irwani Yusuf, who issued the official approval 525/BP2T/5322/2011, to strive for a righteous verdict. This has to guarantee the safety of the local people and stipulate the conservation of the area in question.

    I would like to thank you for your kind attention to the above matters,

    yours faithfully,
    Prof. Dr. Peter Finke
    Telgenbrink 79
    33739 Bielefeld

    (following an initiative of

    Gregor Mecklenburg

    Hello Peter,

    I did the same thing earlier today 🙂

    Here is the link to this petition – in case others would like to sign as well:

    All the best,
    Gregor 🙂

    Peter Finke
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