

Living food for Paros

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    I have on my balcony two flower pots with water and nettle leaves.
    There come from time to time nice mosquitos and leave their eggs, so I can get black mosquito larves.

    First Foto, the situation:


    Second foto, the black mosquito larves:


    the third foto, whats that? Is this eatable for my fish? My biggest fish are Spaerichtys… and whats about the Paros?

    helene schoubye

    Hmm, – it might look a bit like big dafnias, – but its hard to see on the photo.
    I also think theres a few ‘egg-clusters’ from the mosquitoes.
    There was a thread about black mosquito larvaes here

    Pavel Chaloupka

    If I see correctly these are mosquito pupae. Its eatable for fish, but they have harder body and quite a big head that is usually hard for small fish to ingest. Adult Sphaerichthys should be able to eat them without problems. But bringing these home may result in immediate hatching, so you need to prepare arguments for the rest from the family: No,the mosquitos biting you are not from my mosquito larvae that I feed to my fish. No! by any chance. 😉


    @Helene: yes, I found the egg – clusters and I had read before the thread! I´ve taken them out to try to find the moment when the larves come out to feed them as very small larves!

    the for me unknown animals I don´t dare to feed at the moment, the look for me a bit dangerous 😉 I will look in the www for daphnia information!

    @Deepin peat: you have a nice humorous way! 😉


    I ´ve had a short look after “Daphnia” and saw, that they live in the water.
    So I suppose my unknown animals cannot be daphnia, how could they fly on my balcony????? :S

    Pavel Chaloupka

    these are the pupae check if I am right. I think its the most probable option unless you or some birds drinking from the buckets have brought some daphnia resting eggs. They pretty much resemble Daphnia.


    What are “pupae check”?

    Pavel Chaloupka

    should have been: These are the pupae, check if I am right. :blush: pupae= plural from pupa, the stage that develops from larva and than develops in to imago. I hope I am clear now 😆


    Thank you! Now I understand! 😉

    Pavel Chaloupka

    Sorry, I tend to be somewhat abstracted and not fully focused when typing. I always think about some other stuff. Hope I am not confusing to often. :unsure:


    That seems logical to me, that I saw the pupae of the Mosquitos! Thank you! They have two kind of ‘snorkel’ to breath, I found a description. then I will not feed them to my fish…

    From the egg clusters developed already the first small larves 😉

    helene schoubye

    Yes, eg clusters (or rafts as they seem to be called ) are wonderful to have, the small mosquitoes 🙂 … are so great for paros.
    I collect them, the rafts ;).. .

    Bernd Bussler

    Genau, so mache ich es auch, einfach auf die Wasseroberfläche bei den jungen Paros, besseres Futter kannst Du nicht füttern.

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