

Methods to breed Moina?

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    Davy Grenouillet

    Tks Pavel.

    Each time I add some tap water in chlorella jar after to take solution for Moinas?

    Pavel Chaloupka

    Add the cultivation sulution with fertilizer so that algae can reproduce again. If you want very high quality algae, let it sediment or filter it and dilute the cultivation solution in like 1:10 ratio with tap water (if you have very low NO3 content) or better RO water . Algae will not have nutrients and will not multiply but it will produce storage substances which will make it much more valuable. 3 days like this should be enough. Than use it for feeding Moina.

    Davy Grenouillet


    I must to add glucose how many time? I can buy it in pharmacy?

    Pavel Chaloupka

    you definitely do not need any p.a. or pharmaceutical quality, you should be able to buy it in normal shop, it will be much cheaper even though it probably does not matter much as you need like 1/3 of flat teaspoon once a week using 5 liter buckets like I do. Of course best is to take that amount and shape it like line and devide this in to 7 equal parts and add this on daily basis. This way it is safer as adding to much of glucose may lead to fast developement of bacteria in the culture and the culture solution could become stinky. As I repeat with all the cultures, less and more often is better untill you get a feel for it.

    Davy Grenouillet

    Ok tks Pavel, I’ll try to find this glucose in shop.

    Davy Grenouillet

    I found solution of 5% glucose in pharmacy, I’ll put 6ml each days.

    Pavel Chaloupka

    should work, just be aware that with mixotrophic cultivation and less light by now the algae may look different, it will change color from bluegreen to lighter green or even almost yellow, do not pour it away 🙂 its still valuable. For example the content of CGF (chlorella growth factor) is higher in mixotrophically or heterotrophically cultured algae. On the other hand, some other valuable nutrients levels like carotenoids, will be lower with less light.


    Hello again!
    My Moina success was in summer – now in winter it is not so good …. I think I forgot the factor light ….
    Now I will try with light ….


    Now it works again – I have a led stripe on the bucket, and this time also duckweed …
    I think it is o.k. when I have to buy a new starting culture of moinas every 6 months …
    They need a bit more attention as micro worms and naupliae .. but I think they are a good snack for our fish …

    Tautvilas Laureckis

    I grow dafnia/moina, cyclops sp. and ostrcoda sp. culture too.
    I take a tank with about 12-15 L of water.
    Add some najas guadualepensis, callitriche palustris, lemna minor. Light is important, no need very strong, plants must to grow slowly. Air pump is not a must, but it can go.
    Every few days I add a pinch of dry east, spirulina powder, wheat flour and sugar. Mix it in with warm water and add to the tank.
    Culture is growing well. No need to change water very often, usually I change 30% only in 2-3 weeks, with water from my planted aquarium.
    If it is an open tank, like mine, it can hold and some of mosquito larvas too. My wife don’t like very much of them as they tend to fly arround at home. 😆

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