Hello all! My parosphromenus ‘sentang’ colony has mushroomed to 8 individuals – the original trio and five fry. All of these fishes are in a single 20 litre tank of 40cm in length…I recently set up a new, 40 litre, 50 cm tank that was originally going to be for a second paro or perhaps some other blackwater fish, but I am now seriously considering simply moving the adult 1M 2F to the 40 litre and using the 20 litre as a growout, spawning, and (if I distribute/sell any of the fry, as I likely will sooner or later) holding tank for paros soon to be shipped. Anyhow, to my question…in a 50 cm tank, would multiple male paros be able to get along as long as they are provided with enough cover? Thankx in advance for your replies 🙂