

my new linkei :-)

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    Now my four new linkei have moved in their new tank, after a long journey from Hamburg by train :silly: 😆 :cheer:

    yesterday night, when we were back at home, they were colored like “I´m not here, you can´t see me”, will mean in brown.
    This morning I saw the biggest one for a short time in the front of the tank, already striped ;-).

    My water is rather brown, perhaps because of the moor root (Moorkienwurzel), this evening I will make a water change (the first after 10 days, but with Hamburger matt filtration).
    I was astonished to see that there is now more seaweed in the tank than 10 days before – perhaps the caridina simoni have made some holidays after I eliminated the dragonfly larves …

    I fed the linkei today some moina and micro worms.
    Tomorrow I think there will be already fresh nauplia.

    I´m really looking forward, what my four will do in the tank! :whistle:



    Now my linkei live since two days and two nights here.
    From time to time I see one of them in the front of the tank, fine striped 😉

    But still they don’t show themselves all together when I feed them .. I guess I have given them plenty of room to hide cheerily and to wait for the living food to come around in the hidden three quarters of the tank….

    Nevertheless, I would prefer to see them once a day together, to see if they are well, but I guess Paros won’t do so, am I right?

    Bernd Bussler

    You will need a while to get used to the new circumstances.
    But if they then show color you’ll be amazed


    Hallo Bernd,
    Oh I’m already amazed!
    The guaramis have just a wonderful calm way to move!
    And I like the secret hidden atmosphere of black water tanks!

    It’s just emotional that I’m worried about my fish if I can’t see once a day that they are still fine!

    But I will trust in nature that they can survive! 😉

    And some time ago today I could watch two or three of my four swimming around! 😉


    This evening everybody was out to get fresh moina!

    The two small females and the big male and the small male (am I right, Bernd? 😉 )

    The big male likes to chase the small male, and both show their light points on the filament. That looks fantastic!

    The big male seems to have chosen already the big coconut as a cave for him ;-).

    Till now I couldn’t make good fotos, but if I will manage, I will show you!
    :blink: B)

    helene schoubye

    P. linkei is exceptionally beautiful, so we are looking forward to seing fantastic photos 🙂

    I always have a small flash light nearby when I feed, and sometimes if in doubt I use it to see if to look for fish, that way I know they are there.
    But then can easily hide anyway, I do know that. But still – sometimes its a help.

    Bernd Bussler

    Nice that it goes so fast. When the great male once then makes the two girls it is even better. Yes they are a smaller sizes and a male who has escaped me another big.


    I wanted to send my first fotografs, but it didn´t work … :unsure:

    Bernd Bussler

    Vielleicht kann Helene helfen, habe leider keine Ahnung wie man das macht.

    Bernd Bussler

    Maybe Helen can help, have not got a clue how to do that.

    helene schoubye

    🙂 yes, I can probably help, but not sure what the problem was. You have to first click datei hinzufügen, dann click einfügen (insert in english)
    But if its something else, – then please send me an email on


    Hello! I try again …


    o.k. one foto works this morning, perhaps again …(I tried more, that still seems to be too much…)


    o.k. .. one by one … 😉


    the next:

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