

my new linkei :-)

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    Hans Schellein

    nice pictures!


    Another camping P. linkei 😉

    Und das ist dann das Ergebnis: 😉


    one young Romeo already has chosen his home … :cheer:

    helene schoubye

    I hope its all right that I ‘borrow’ your linkei thread, Dorothee :)…
    I took a photo last night of one of my males, – he had just got a new female in the tank and he was so showing off. I tried to take photos for more than an hour, this is the best of these 🙂

    The linkei are so beatiful. I also just discovered that in the 60 liter linkei tank (where I had originally put about 10 adult linkeis) there are now at least 10 juveniles.
    That was not the plan though 😉 but obviously they did fine in this tank which also has a small filter.
    I have now added four juvelnile betta persephone, – that may stop that there will be more offspring. For the time being thats fine with me. The persephone and the paros are a really good match, the paros are not bothered at all, even the small ones.


    Wonderful photo, your´re welcome Helene!
    Yes, I also like the linkei very much! And they seem not to be very complicated. So it seems to be advised to give them a little bit birth control … 😉

    Pavel Chaloupka

    this is such a beatiful picture B)


    Anbei noch mal junge Linkei:
    I forgot wich language I was writing, English or German, sorry 😉 Translated:
    Here again some young linkei:

    beim Frühstück:
    having breakfast:

    junge Männchen:
    young guys:

    Rafael Eggli

    Dear Dorothee,

    They look so beautiful!!! Im excitedly waiting to get someone of these…

    Bernd Bussler

    Wonderful that finally runs the distribution, would be nice if a few more prospects would report to breed these beautiful fish.
    I hope you do enjoy it this glorious Paros have.

    Thank Dorothee 🙂 :cheer: :silly:


    B) :cheer: 😉

    And here another new little linkei: :silly:

    helene schoubye

    I have a little embarrasing story about linkei fry :blush:
    I have this 60 liter with some adult linkei, and obviously it now shows that there are many fry in there, yesterday I counted more than 10. This tank has a very thick layer of salvinia natans, and sometimes I take a little from there and put in other tanks.
    I also have a little 12 liter with some tweediei offspring in – they are about 4 months old. Yesterday when I looked in there very big is my surprise when I see two very clearly linkei fry swimming happily around :blink: …
    I assume they have travelled via the salvinia natans. I am very happy that this happened with linkei fry which is clearly different from other fry…
    I have checked other tanks, but have not seen more.

    I will be very careful in the future when I take floating plants from one tank to the other


    Oh oh … that are no good news … I never would have thought about that that could be possible … I never saw fry near the swimming plants …. I had to have a look what Salvinia natans look like, and they are exactly my own swimming plant species…..

    Are you really sure? If you would take leaves from one tank to the other which law on the ground, it would be obvious.
    What could we do? I’m so glad, that I have now some good adapted plants in my tanks … Should we give the plants a kind of quarantine in water (divided in “species” they come from?

    helene schoubye

    I dont think it has ever happened to me before, – and I think the reason it happened is because this 60 liter tank has a lot more lightening than the other tanks I have, and therefore produce an extremely thick cover of salvinia natans. (at some point it was literally a couple of cm thick). This way the tank floor is very dark still, and I am sure then the fry seek up in the cover of the plants.
    For this reason of course I have a tendency to use this tank for supplying other tanks with more floating plants.
    Normally though I would ‘shake’ plants like this well before lifting them out of the tank, – I think I must have forgotten this.
    I would not worry under normal conditions, – and at least now I would still use excess plants, but I would be very careful to shake it well before taking it out.
    But I will definitely keep this in mind as a potential ‘danger’ when transferring plants between tanks.

    roby hidayat

    hi all

    i’m new here …

    yesterday my friend have sent me 3 wild linkei from central borneo …

    i hope i can learn from you all for treat my pharos…


    Hi Robman! Welcome!
    Yes, here you can find many good informations!
    And if you have got male and female P.linkei, you will soon have a big P. linkei family! 🙂

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