

my new linkei :-)

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  • #7790
    Russell Green

    Hi Dorothee
    I hope you don’t mind me adding to your success with breeding these beautiful little gems.

    I have managed to get my first successful breeding of not only Linkei, but Nagyi and my Bintan form as well. All within 10 days of each other.

    Only small numbers of babies, as the parents are still young, but they seem to be coming on well.

    Reading members comments and experience on these forums really helps guide you in the right direction.


    That is phantastic Russel, congratulations!
    Do you let the larvaes in the parents tank with the parents, or how do you work concerning this point?

    Russell Green


    I removed the Nagyi parents and left the babies in the main tank. So im not sure how many there are as they are hiding among the leaves on the bottom of the tank. 🙂

    I removed the nest and the fry for the Linkei and Bintan to 4 litre tanks. I followed Bernds method to remove the babies when they turn dark in colour. This seems to be a better way to control the amount of food so as not to over feed and pollute the tank.

    Russell Green

    When my Filamentosus and Bintan first laid eggs, I left the parents in the main tank.

    They ate all but 2 of the babies, so I decided to try out these two methods to hopefully get more babies to survive.

    Bernd Bussler

    Not all parents eat their children, but you never know exactly whether it goes well. The better way is always the separation of parents and children, only the more than 2 children remain. 🙂

    Tautvilas Laureckis

    And here is my little linkei, ~6mm

    roby hidayat

    soory …

    Peter Finke

    If we have really bad photos only, it is not necessary to post them here. The Parosphromenus-project is not intended to sharpen its profile by presenting the most bad photos of the aquarium world.

    roby hidayat

    finnalyy ….

    Jolanda Wisseborn

    Hello 7 Zwerge,

    Wie schön zu sehen das die jungen so gut aufwachsen, und die besonderes Platz um ein Nest zu bauen. Richtig schön um zu fotografieren.
    Habe ein Frage;Wie lange dauert es das die Eier entwickelt sind bis fry? Sind das Stunden oder Tagen?. Das ist was ich noch nicht finden Can.

    How Beautiful to see that the joung growing nice, and also that special place for building their nest. Right to take nice pics.
    Have a question:how long will it takes from eggs till fry? Are that hours or days??
    That I can’t really find anywhere?


    Hi Jootje,
    I don’t exactly remember at the moment.. some days? If you can watch the eggs you will see that the fry leaves them and hangs as white little drops from the top. When they coulor dark after two or three more days, they soon will begin to swim free …

    Jolanda Wisseborn

    Danke 7 Zwerge, habe ein Männchen was nicht mehr aus seinen hole Komt, und das weibchen swimt in die Nähe. So ich habe so ein vermuten.

    Thank you 7 Zwerge, have a male in a hole, and he won’t come out. The female stays near, so I have a hunch. 🙂

    Jolanda Wisseborn

    Habe noch eine Frage ; auf welche Temperatur hast du deinen linkei??

    Have another question ; at what temperature do you have your Linkei??


    Hi Jootje,
    Meine Linkei haben 24 – 26 *C je nach dem. Bei der Hitze neulich kurzfristig bis 28*C.

    My Linkei have about 24 – 26 *C . With the heat this summer for a short time up to 28 *C.

    Jolanda Wisseborn

    Thanks 7 Zwerge, 😉

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