

My pharospromensus Linkei

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    Jolanda Wisseborn

    After my tank has cycled for 4/5 weeks Finnaly my new beautiful fish arrived. I ordered Linkei because I really love the pattern of the fins. They arrived safely at my home about 4 weeks ago. At first I did see some swim past the tankwindows, than after that non anymore, so I was very afraid that not one did survived.
    But non of this was treu, the 2 pair’s divided on the 2 sides of the tank and I was lucky to see one in full balsing color. Awsome to see.
    I also was lucky to shoot Some pics.

    This is the tank, part osmosewater, tapwater with peat and almond and beechleaves.

    They have the total tank for their own

    helene schoubye

    It looks great, Jolanda Its a big tank for so small fish 🙂 ..

    If they can hide, they will 🙂 … but good that you see them every now and then.
    The plants you have in the tank requires quite a lot of light, – and that is probably not so much ‘natural’ for the linkeis, – they like it a bit more subdued.

    My paro tanks has more or less no plants – except for some javamoss, – many of them are really just leaves for decoration – and javamoss.
    And then I use a lot of plant for surface-cover. Duck weed 🙂 or salvinia natans are very good for that.

    Jolanda Wisseborn

    Well I could tell you Helene that my name is Jolanda 😆 ( lol) and that the Limnophilia heterophylla is now growing part over the surface and also the leafs of the lotus are also taking a part from the surface. Did had some floatingplants but did took them out because they became brown. The plants getting oxygen and growing awsome. Will look for other floating plants but think that Limnophilia will reach to the other side of the tank. Will make a new pic of the tank 😉

    helene schoubye

    Sorry about the name confusion 🙂 .. I changed it.

    Jolanda Wisseborn

    The plants are growing over the surface and have also now some other floating plants with very long roots 😉

    Also have now an other lamp above my tank

    Jolanda Wisseborn

    😳 dubbel post

    Peter Finke

    Your tanks are decorative but not characteristic or specifically designed for the needs Parosphromenus. It’s your needs (or our needs): the wish for an underwater garden.

    It’s a compromise between the needs of our fish and our own preferences. In such a tank you can keep Parosphromenus, of course, but you can hardly control the breeding and feed the young fish in their first weeks without overcrowding the water with too much small food. Most of it will decay and worsen the milieu.

    And such a tank will function with some hardy Parosphromenus only that will do with a pH not much below 6.0 (that is e.g. linkei, paludicola, quindecim, partly nagyi. Mind that the optimum milieu for all that species is a pH clearly less than that, mostly we found one between 4.0 and 5.0). Most other species will not thrive in it at all and will hardly find their best live coditions, however. They will live for some months but age more rapidly than normal. Most aquarists don’t see that because they are no longer used to keep fish for longer periods. But these fish are endangered; one should decide to keep and breed them under the best conditions their physis is adapted for.

    A typical tank for most Parosphromenus species must bear a lowering of the pH towards 5.0 and lower, often even below 4.0, and must contain waters without any calcium. The plants I see growing very well in your tanks will not stand that. Mind, our fish are animals adapted to peat swamps!

    I can understand your wish for a decoratively planted tank, it’s a wish of my own too. There are some plants more adapted to that, but I can hardly see them in your tank. So, I suggest to have not only one tank but at least two or three: those in which your fulfill that wish, perhaps with linkei or paludicola, as a compromise, keeping them not in their optimum milieu but in a milieu they can stand for some months, and others for the most Parosphromenus, more adapted to their real needs and natural habitats. And easier and more safely for feeding the young.

    Jolanda Wisseborn

    Hello Peter,

    Thanks for your comment and shure I’m aware of my planted tank, but your right it’s something Wich is maybe my need. I did try my best to give them a Aziatic tank, like those plants. Yes I also know there are a lot of plants in there but they are only growing great on oxygen and plantfood 😉 like that Japonica Wich is from Azia. Further there are some pieces of wood Wich has a natural shape and creates holes and tunnels for hiding, also some big almond leaves Wich create dark spaces in the Back of my tank, just like that other Aziatic plants Wich also degrowth my surface already in half. Beechleaves and peatroot are on the bottom. Floated plants are on top now, with some great leaves. The light is only shinning in front the most. The fish, Wich are 2 pair’s have already both a territorium, one pair on the left, the other on the right 🙂 sometimes the males are seeing eachother and than one will be scare away the other. They are colored up and the pair’s stick together. Breeding is not my maingoal, if it’s happening than I will feed them on the bottom where they are. I’m not quiet unexpirienced, did already bred some wild types, also some mouthbreeders. And for 7,5 years showbetta’s. Also read a lot first before I even started. So made the conditions for them as best as possible, made those hidingspaces because they are in my bettaroom.
    All my rates are low like the PH Wich is 5,
    Kh is 3/0 GH is 4 the rest 0. I refresh with part osmose water and peatwater.

    But understand quiet your worries, special because of the endanger they are in. That’s why I also had a good and close contact with Hermanus Harianto about everything these fish need. Also that daily livefood.

    Have already some smaller tanks also, so will follow shure your advice to cycle 2 smaller ones 😉

    I hope you see that they have the best care, and that I will keep giving that. Shure also are on the IGL-DE site for some years 😉 and knowing some great people 🙂

    Jolanda Wisseborn

    Jolanda Wisseborn

    Already for 4 days in its cave or hole

    The female is also nearby and won’t leave that corner of the tank.

    Sorry the pic is upside-down, he doesn’t upload straight 😉

    Jolanda Wisseborn
    Jolanda Wisseborn

    The male in the cave did only gard his space for the other 2 males, there were no eggs.

    But………..Did a 50% waterchange this weekend and got a piece of wood out of the tank the day before wich got my Javafern. Some leaves got brown and did get those brown leaves out. Wanted to put it back today and cut my other plant Wich is all over the surface until I saw this 🙂

    See the pictures have turned aside again, the eggs are on top.

    These are taken on the 6th of Oktober 2015

    David Jones

    Congratulations! Hopefully the fry will survive amongst all the plants and grow out to become the next generation.
    Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Maurice Matla

    Nice going Jootje

    Jolanda Wisseborn

    Thanks guys 🙂

    The next picture is from today,8th Oktober 2015

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