

My sp ‘sentang’ journal

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  • #8893
    Grete Gillebo

    Getting a RO unit would save you some of the worries concerning water preparation. I have the Aqua Medic Easy Line 90…not too expensive, and easy to use.

    If you use Seachem buffers, your TDS will go up. So, as Deepin peat said, stay away from chemicals.

    Bernd Bussler

    I also think the chemistry in an aquarium has no place. Aqua also Medic Easy Line 90 is certainly not free from chemicals. The best you practice patience and letting things take their run, stable water just needs time. It helps no one if you reach the water parameters in a short time, and the animals die because the water is unstable.

    Grete Gillebo

    Bernd, are you saying that RO-water is “not free from chemicals” ? After all, it is used to remove “chemicals”, not add them. The Aqua medic Easy Line 90 takes my water from a TDS of well over 100 mS down to 2-4 mS, and at least the paros here seem to thrive (and have bred) in it…

    Joshua Morgan

    Thankx for your replies! I admit, I am just frustrated with how stubborn their water is to acidify if I make the slightest mistake…leaving hardly a few mm of the defective terra cotta pot water in the spawning tank (which still has no fish in it) was sufficient to send the PH shooting up to 6.5 from the low 4’s. Haven’t tried such drastic changes on the main paro tank.

    Bernd Bussler

    Now I do not know whether in Aqua Medic chemicals have thus not yet engaged me. But I think that everything that is produced in the industry in large quantities is loaded with chemicals. Of course I know of aquariums friends who use it that it should be good, and is used particularly for new installations, but that was more suitable for community aquariums with less sensitive fish, but I never heard that it is used for Paros, the better when it works. I know how difficult it is to create stable water values ​​for Paros, I do it all the same for about 20 years. I think that it is working with water additives to get quickly to the water values ​​to finally maintain Paros, the water parameters change in the degradation of additives too fast and are too unstable for beginners especially difficult it is better to be patient and by natural “additives” such as humic substances, leaves, or service similar to the water values ​​stabilize.


    Dear companions,
    I think there is a missunderstanding. The Aqua medic is an osmosis plant:

    Liebe Freunde, ich glaube hier findet ein Missverständnis statt. Die Aqua Medic … von der Ghia spricht, ist eine Osmose Anlage ….

    Grete Gillebo

    Thank you, 7 Zwerge…I was also starting to believe there must be a misunderstanding. I should have said “Osmose Anlage” instead of RO-unit, perhaps 😉

    Bernd Bussler

    Ah, ok, is indeed an unusual name but if so that’s fine.
    Have had an osmosis system in operation, since I only use rainwater for the last time 15 years ago. The did not have imaginative names, and were quite expensive and only brought so 50-80 L per day, since I had only a fraction of at aquariums and only 3 or 5 species, today there are 18 species in 40 aquariums.

    Joshua Morgan

    Filled the 10 gallon to capacity and added submerged plants back…the paros are a lot less stressed now 🙂

    Joshua Morgan

    ‘ello again! Long time since any updates…my continued frustration with the paroes eventually moved me to move them to a 5 gallon with their plants and convert their 10 gallon to a heavily planted tank, thinking I would never succeed in breeding them or even getting the male to court again (he had stopped doing that a while before this). However, I have since started feeding grindals in addition to BBS and have been more careful with not unintentionally increasing the hardness by other means, and for most of the past 2 weeks the male has been diligently trying to court the females (leading me to the conclusion I was not feeding them enough to encourage spawning). Anyhow, I have not seen the male now for several days…we just had a major hot spell up here that also noticeably warmed the tank, and I have a suspicion he may finally have succeeded in spawning. I have my fingers crossed, anyway 🙂 after all the effort I have put towards these fish, it would be nice if they actually spawned.

    Bill Little

    Josh — I hope you are successful this time and I wish you luck with the possible spawn. 🙂

    Joshua Morgan

    False alarm…saw the male again about half an hour ago 🙁

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