

Mysterious conductance increase

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    Benjamin Wilden

    Hey everyone,

    I think I have a bit experience with aquaristics and water (about 15 years), but what I just witnessed is unbelievable for me.

    After my holidays I tested my water in a 160 liter tank. The tank is divided by a filtersponge. On the one side were young Malpulutta, on the other side P. sumatranus most likely with offspring.

    So the conductance was about 44 µS. Than I changed 10% of the watervolume by rainwater with a conductance of 18 µS (also measured).

    When I came home the next day all of the Malpuluttas were dead and the P.sumatranus looked very bad, too. I put them into another tank. Two of them died later, unfortunally the only male.

    So I measured again and here it comes: A conductance of 215 µS! Out of nowhere.

    I have no explanation and doubt my physical knowlegde.

    Does anybody have a guess?

    Thank you.


    Bernd Bussler

    The only explanation I have is either the meter is faulty or defective briefly, perhaps the display has hacked or something has fallen into the water for a water change. Did you have previously washed anything in his hand, hands, or the like that you still had on his hands? :blush:

    Benjamin Wilden

    The meter is working correctly. I just calibrated and tested it.

    I washed nothing with the water and used only some alder cones, which i used before, too. So I exclude them.

    My fingers, yes there might have been some sweat or tap water sticking on, but does that effect 160 litre?
    I never had this before, but shurely used my hands all the time 😉

    Know I replaced all of the water and everything seem perfect again. But i will go on with the measure the next weeks.

    Patrick Guhmann

    Hmm, perhaps pH dropped below 4? But why?

    Tautvilas Laureckis

    PatrickG, paros can live in water even below 4 pH. So it is not an option to increase conductance if the water is “empty”.

    Benjamin Wilden

    You might be right Patrick. Conductance is effectivly the amount of ions. I never thought of the H+ ions as conductance effectors. But there are two new problems, first there must have been a dramatic decrease of pH out of nowhere, and second if that was so it had to effect the conductance that much.

    Normally the conductance is mainly effected by Ca2+ ions and I think maximum about 80 µS is effected by H+, OH- and HCO3-. So this might be a part of my conducance increase but not the only reason.

    Patrick Guhmann

    at very low pH value, conductance is mainly effected by [H+]
    Conductance at 25°C only [H+]:
    pH µS
    3,2 239
    3,4 152
    3,6 97
    3,8 62
    4,0 39
    4,2 25
    4,6 10
    4,8 6,5
    5,0 4

    In your case (theoretically): 215 (cond. after water change)-44 (cond. before water change)= 171 (cond. caused by H+) –> pH 3,4

    @ yankadi:
    all M. kretseri died (this species does not tolerate very low pH, only 2 Paros died). I think a sudden drop of acidity (pH at 3,4) is deadly for Paros too. They tolerate very acid water, if they have enough time to adapt to low pH values. But a is deadly.

    Tautvilas Laureckis

    Thank you for deeply explanation.

    Benjamin Wilden

    Thank you Patrick. You are right, my experience with “normal water” fits into your data.

    Do you have any references for that data? I would like to read a bit more but can´t find it in the internet.

    I just tested my rainwater and made a little experiment. I put some oak leaves and branches in and the next day the pH is about 4 at 37 µS. It seems that my water has less buffering ions than ever.

    So your explanation is fitting.

    Patrick Guhmann

    The reference is:

    Krause, H.-J. (2007): Handbuch Aquarienwasser. Bede-Verlag GmbH Ruhmannsfelden, 6.Aufl., ISBN 978-3-927 997-00-5(book is in German language)

    If you want to know more about conductance, search for “Square-root-equation Kohlrausch” and “Wheatstone bridge”
    useful link in german:

    Benjamin Wilden

    Ok, thank you. I will order that book 😉

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