

Need thoughts on a tank setup!

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    Joshua Morgan

    ‘ello all! I am now pretty certain that I will be getting paroes in a few months and needed some opinions on the setup I was considering.

    The setup would consist of a 40 litre/10 gallon standard tank with a roughly 4 litre/1 gallon ‘kritter keeper’ inside stationed atop two terra cotta pots. The main tank would be heavily planted (by paro standards) and house a group of paroes. When I want to breed them, I would move a pair to the keeper (which would be filled with leaves and java moss), keep them there for a couple weeks, and then move them (sooner if I caught sight of fry). I would daily exchange some water between the keeper and the main tank to ensure that the keeper did not become dangerously dirty. Any obvious flaws apparent with this idea?

    Patrick Guhmann


    I do not think this kritter keeper is a good idea. Water quality is hard to handle and I can not believe that the pair will breed in this tiny box. And the box is too small to raise up the offspring. If you want to breed in this aquarium, it is possible to divide the aquarium with fine foam filter material in two, but in my opinion the best way is to buy a second aquarium (25l).


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