

New form of P. filamentosus in European trade

Home Forums Asian Habitats New form of P. filamentosus in European trade

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  • #4709
    Peter Finke

    There is a rare form of filamentosus (we call it cf. filamentosus) new in German trade. The fish have exported by Patrick Yap from Singapore and can be found (according to his own words) “in South East Kalimantan, from Ampah all the way Muarateweh.” This is just north of Banjarmasin, and that’s filamentosus country. The whole bunch is now distributed by Tropicwater Ltd. Ask

    Gonin herve

    I wrote to him about these species Deisneri and no answer .Too bad

    helene schoubye

    P. Yap is a wholesaler who thinks in hundreds or thousands of a species, or even tens of thousands. His catchers are busy to catch the major part of a year’s production at a special place. He is not ready to answer questions of individual fish keepers; it’s a pity but so is the situation.

    Peter Finke

    We just received from P. Yap the suggestion that the new Paro should be called P. spec. Ampah. This is very good since we usually name new forms by the location, often (as in this case) the nearest town.
    We are not quite sure whether it is a variant of filamentosus (I think so, but there are other opinions).
    At any rate, there is no reason to be disappointed that it was not deissneri. The fish is new and this means it is still more interesting than deissneri.
    We have a first photo and I hope to be able to show it here soon.
    Here it is:


    They truly are beautiful! On the IGL forum Martin Hallmann posted two more pictures, which looked even better. I hope to find more people in the Netherlands wanting them so I could do a collect order from Tropicwater to make sending less costly.

    Stefanie Rick

    [quote=”bartian” post=1380]On the IGL forum Martin Hallmann posted two more pictures, which looked even better. [/quote]

    Hi, Bartian,

    only the first picture of Martin Hallmann shows the new form. The second picture shows the “usual” filamentosus.


    A few posts below that two, of which the second indeed shows a “normal” filamentosus, is one more picture showing the new form.

    Stefanie Rick

    [quote=”bartian” post=1385]A few posts below that two, of which the second indeed shows a “normal” filamentosus, is one more picture showing the new form.[/quote]

    Oh, sorry – yes, you are right!!

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