

New paros at my home

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    helene schoubye

    Good luck with the spawning then, – its really beatiful. I hope it might be possible to find out which species this is, and to keep it somehow.
    And a phantastic photo really, – even its an uncertain species, it says so much about what we all are fasinated about with these small fishes.

    Stefanie Rick

    Nothing new about my four unnamed girls……….

    ……. but another four new paros at my home!! This time no doubt about species or sex.

    The male of one of the new pairs, no need to tell which species:

    And the only photo I could get of the male of the other new pair, still very small and shy – a bit of a riddle – let’s see if you can tell the species (and it’s a species, not a form):


    P. anjunganensis.

    Stefanie Rick

    [quote=”Sverting” post=2190]P. anjunganensis.[/quote]

    That’s what I would have said – looking at that single picture.

    But it’s not anjunganensis.

    Stefanie Rick

    Better picture for another try?

    Peter Finke

    [quote=”Stefanie” post=2191][quote=”Sverting” post=2190]P. anjunganensis.[/quote]
    That’s what I would have said – looking at that single picture.
    But it’s not anjunganensis.[/quote]

    I don’t understand, as probably Sverting does. This is anjunganensis and nothing else.

    Stefanie Rick

    [quote=”Peter Finke” post=2194][quote=”Stefanie” post=2191][quote=”Sverting” post=2190]P. anjunganensis.[/quote]
    That’s what I would have said – looking at that single picture.
    But it’s not anjunganensis.[/quote]

    I don’t understand, as probably Sverting does. This is anjunganensis and nothing else.[/quote]

    If this is right, I have to ask Anne and Thorsten why they gave me anjunganensis instead of pahuensis……………

    They are still shy and secretive, so it’s a bit difficult to show better photos:


    P. pahuensis if you ask me… Look at body shape, ventrals and the black blotch in the dorsal fin. Wait for a better picture.

    Stefanie Rick

    [quote=”bartian” post=2196]P. pahuensis if you ask me… Look at body shape, ventrals and the black blotch in the dorsal fin. Wait for a better picture.[/quote]

    You are right, Bartian. I bought them as pahuensis, I saw pictures of the adults which were doubtlessly pahuensis – and I have no reason to misbelieve the breeders (who, by the way, do not even have anjunganensis – as far as I know. So even the risk of a mistaking can be excluded))

    Peter Finke

    Bartian is probably right and I am wrong. The reason is – not for the first time – bad photographs. We are often asked to tell what species it is by giving really bad photos which do not show the necessary details. The main characteristics of P. pahuensis are (in both sexes!) the many whitish or silvery spots on the unpaired fins which resemble those of linkei. But rarely both sexes are seen in such different a fin-colour between male and female as in these fish. In this species it is often rather difficult to distinguish males and females. Mostly, of course, the males are more intensely coloured, but I have rarely seen pahuensis such greatly different than here.

    The explanation is obviously that the animals are still rather young ones. And they are presented to us not in the typical dress but with very marked stripes on the bodies. In this mood the marked blotches tend to be hidden by the stripes (or the other way around in other species: there seem to be such blotches but they disappear when the stripes disappear, take some bintan-forms; intermediate is paludicola that sometimes (in some local forms) show marked blotches (as in the scientific description) and often do not).

    But Bartian has rightly pointed out that the body shape is different than that of most anjunganensis. It appeared a bit strange to me, I admit, but I have seen divergent body shapes of many species already. Nevertheless I think that we should prefer to use photographs of typically coloured and developed animals because many of the users of this site are beginners who are easily confused by half-grown and not fully coloured animals.

    I should be interested to see better photos of these animals, because now I want to know whether these strong differences in fin colouration between the sexes are always to be seen or only in exceptional situations. And I want to see whether the typicial spotted appearance of the unpaired fins in both sexes (!) is not yet to be seen at all (because they are still too young) or not.

    Stefanie Rick

    Dear Peter – don’t take it that seriously.

    I already said that these fish are still very young (and shy) and that I only have them since a few days. And that thus I couldn’t make better photos.

    And this was the reason that made me think about this little riddle – I can’t show clear species photos now – so maybe you like to try to identify the fish by bad photos. A funny little riddle ……… no serious test of your determination skills …………

    So the complaint about bad photos is surely right in many cases – but very inappropriate here……..

    helene schoubye

    🙂 – and I can add we are short photos of pahuensis, in fact we dont have any … so Stefanie .. with your excellent photos of p.nagyi pekan nenasi I am hoping for some similar wonderful photos of the pahuensis once they settle and all that 🙂

    You have got some really interesting speceis now, congratulation with that.


    Stefanie, in the first photo one could only see the fin colour and the fact, that this fish in fact HAS a head ;p.

    Stefanie Rick

    Again: It was no test, I’m not questioning anyone’s determination skills …………

    (I promise: I surely will never again dare to be anything but totally serious here in this forum. If this had been a test about some people being able to see such a question with a twinkle in their eyes – failed 🙁 )


    Wel.. PP is such kind of forum. It sometimes bothers me too ;p. There is the problem of lingvistical barrier. Everyone writes in english, of course, but it is common that the way it is read isn’t the way we intended. 😀 It’s usually a case for me. I try to say sth as a joke or just as a dare, and it results in a storm! For example my former post was meant to be read without any sneer!

    Btw, I look forward to the photos of these Paros in the breeding mood :D!

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