

Odd parosphromenus ‘sentang’ behavior

Home Forums Global Behaviour Odd parosphromenus ‘sentang’ behavior

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  • #9145
    Joshua Morgan

    Hello all! My parosphromenus ‘sentang’ trio has been moved to their new 40 litre (the five fry are staying in the 20 litre for now), have settled in, and are acting normally…with one exception; they are avoiding the middle and front of the tank. They are only staying on the sides under the emersed houseplants the tank has, and when they do go from one end to the other, they do so quickly in the back, deliberately avoiding the front glass. This is behavior they did not show at all in the 20 litre…any ideas what is up? I at first thought it might be excess lighting (this tank is considerably brighter than the prior one – bright enough that the cabomba, which grows in similar blackwater habitats in South America, is doing well), but this behavior continues even when the lights are off and was not altered when I added floating water lettuce to the tank. This tank does have much stronger aeration than the prior one…could that be important? Thankx for all your replies.

    Bill Hunter

    Perhaps they just feel a bit more exposed in the larger tank and all the external activity takes place at the front. Maybe they will settle down eventually or maybe you might have to put them back into smaller tanks where they feel secure. Try giving them more plants/items as cover at the front. My Betta siamorientalis do similar after a water change but settle again.

    Joshua Morgan

    OK! Thankx 🙂 There’s already a heap of cover in this tank (if anything, the back has less cover than the front) but I’ll try to.

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