It is with sadness that I read Peter’s post on the demise of Parosphromenus deissneri. However, I have to wonder if the Chinese were not rather premature with such an announcement. Surely it is to early to state that it has become extinct based on the fact that they couldn’t find it in the places it was originally found. as Peter says, there are some areas, albeit small, of forest which have never been explored, let us hope that at least a few specimens can be found before it is too late. My feeling is that perhaps they should be claiming that it has become extinct in it’s previously known locations.
However, this does highlight the dangerous situation that these fish, and others, are in. Unless we act now they will all be lost. Such great pressures are being placed on these little jewels, oil palm, building & development. Another obnoxious practice which isn’t highlighted enough is wood pulp. It is often assumed that wood pulp is a byproduct of clearing land when in fact it is an industry in it’s own right. Even although Indonesia has a “Zero Deforestation Pledge” and promises to use sustainable wood for it’s pulping and paper production, it is taking at least 30% of it’s wood from unsustainable forests. These mills are not yet working at full capacity and they are expected to increase production very soon. They say it won’t be long until 50% of all wood for pulp will be illegal wood which means even more pressure on what little primeval rain forest is left. ( )
While we are busy keeping an eye on the Palm Oil plantations and the severe destruction they are causing, our attention has been pulled away from other industries that will soon be equally, if not more, destructive.
While checking your grocery shopping to ensure you haven’t picked up an item that contains palm oil, ask yourself where your next pack of printer or newspaper came from.