

P filamentosus fry

Home Forums Global Breeding P filamentosus fry

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    Peter Finke

    I hesitate to agree to the wish of a special category “water parameters”. There are the categories “breeding” and “methods” for this. Enlarging the category-list (what about food? tank size? diseases?) means proceeding slowly to the usual great complexity of many forums. Our forum still is quite compact and clearly arranged; we should retain that.
    Besides: you don’t need different water parameters for the different licorice gouramis. You need only two simple rules: 1. (Nearly) no calcium and very low conductivity (between 10 and 100), 2. As few germs as possible = a pH clearly below 7.0. The lower the pH, the fewer germs. Everything between 3.00 and 6.5 is possible.

    Ted L. Dutcher

    Thank you Peter, I do agree with you to “keep it simple” on the Forum. I’m have new keeper panic attacks !! Setting up the new tanks and preparing to order some fish, my crazy brain keeps changing it’s mind on

    And thank you for your 2 simple rules.

    I went thru this years ago when breeding appistos. Also a black water (generally) and low Ph fish, although a different biotope. Too successful with them, too many tanks for fry, and grow out. etc. No one wanted the excess fish unless they were the super fancy colored big finnage ones!

    This is different to me, to just help a species if I can. We are not targeting the aquarium business, but life itself. Thank you

    helene schoubye

    Theres a place where I sometimes buy brine shrimp eggs, and here I saw today that you can buy rotifer cultures, that might be interesting to some people here ?

    Its just a little bit down on the page ..

    Paul Hards

    Thanks Tedsomd, the water parameters for my P filamentosus are kH 0, pH 4.0-4.5, temperature 25C, TDS 25-50.

    Paul Hards

    Hi Helene,

    Thanks for the link, I often order food from TA Aquaculture but have never noticed the rotifer cultures.

    In one of my earlier posts I enquired how I can post an actual photo, or video, just like you do, rather than a link which is all I seem to be able to post.

    Paul Hards

    I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that I have now seen at least 7 good sized fry from the 14 that I put into the rearing container, I am now sure there are at least 10.

    I also spotted lots of fry, at least 7 or 8 in the tank with the adults, these ones I would estimate are about 7-10 days free swimming, I was very surprised to see them in the adults tank swimming without any fear of being eaten by the parents.

    helene schoubye

    Hi Paul, – for photoes you add a file from your own computer through the little box underneath the text area here. First you add the file, then you insert it

    Videoes are uploaded by clicking on the film-ikon and inserting the url from a youtube video (copy/paste)
    😉 actually I have edited your post so the youtube video is showing directly in the post.

    Ted L. Dutcher

    Thank you Paul. I will be keeping a log on successful and documented breeding of species when I get the parameters. I know there will probably be great variations from breeder to breeder, but also some helpful info for others with possible problems.

    Paul Hards

    Latest video of a juvenile P filamentosus that I found in the tank with the adults.

    This one is about 12-15mm long and has obviously been surviving in the tank with the adults for quite a while.

    Tonight I spotted other youngsters in with the adults from at least 2 more separate broods. I am very surprised at how many are surviving in with the adults.

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