

P. nagyi – but which one?

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    helene schoubye

    I agree with Stefanie 🙂
    The band is white, so I would see it as P. nagyi ‘kuantan’ – but I am not sure what are the differencies when it comes to P. nagyi ‘Pegan Nenas’ ? Except where they come from ?
    But just to assure you, – theres no doubt in my mind 🙂 you do have p. nagyi

    Rod Porteous


    The caudal band actually looks orange/white depending on light rather than just white. Glad to have confirmation they are nagyi.

    Stefanie Rick

    [quote=”ourmanflint” post=3424]Thanks..

    The caudal band actually looks orange/white depending on light rather than just white. Glad to have confirmation they are nagyi.[/quote]

    Yes, that’s what it looks like in Pekan Nenasi – I only know this form, maybe it’s the same in Kuantan. The white band in the caudal might even show a golden tinge – but it is definitely not blue. Look at the male in my avatar – it’s from Pekan Nenas, and it’s caudal band is yellowish-golden.

    helene schoubye

    P. nagyi ‘kuantan’ male and female. Sometimes its clear white, – but that does depend on light, and also on how much the male is feeling ‘in the mood’. You can see on the photo I uploaded in the beginning of this thread that sometimes it comes out more ‘golden’. Its not unlikely its the same male at a younger age.

    Stefanie Rick

    P. nagyi “Pekan nenasi” male and female:

    The colouration of the coloured bands of my oldest male is almost golden (depending on mood and age?). More blue or green than this is never seen anymore:

    I have the impression that younger males show more blue/green/turquoise – but that might be just my personal impression.

    Rod Porteous

    Thank you for the photos Stefanie. That does indeed look very similar to the caudal band on my fish.

    I think we have a winner!

    Bernd Bussler

    So I would also say that there are Kuantan. Have the animals caught twice even in Kuantan and breed the strain still. The fins are but turquoise metallic and depending on the light incident see the fins different colors from.

    Rod Porteous

    Thanks for everyones help with this. If I do manage to breed from my stock, what should I call the resulting fry? Would it be correct to say P. nagyi ‘Kuantan’ or P. nagyi aff. ‘Kuantan’ ?



    Stefanie Rick

    I think it’s not that easy.
    As you said in post 3432 your fish look like mine ………. and mine are not from Kuantan, but from Pekan Nenas. The one Helene showed in post 3426 is from Kuantan – and I confess I can’t see much difference ………. the coloured bands of my male seem to be broader than those of Helene’s male – but is this individual, or depending on age – or indeed a feature of a form from a special location?

    So you have fish which resemble P. nagyi from Kuantan OR P. nagyi from Pekan Nenas. Maybe there’s a third similar form from yet another location ……….. and that’s possibly were your fish come from ……… you’ll never know. I wouldn’t know how to name their offspring……

    Bernd Bussler

    So I think that we should not be so “petty”. My Nagyi “Kuantan” I have myself caught in the dorsal fin have a black dot. The animals I’ve trapped in “Cherating”, a dorsal fin had a black stripe. In the habitat of Kuantan but occur both Variannten.

    helene schoubye

    I might be entirely wrong in this, but isnt it so that the species is really P. nagyi, and ‘cherating’ – ‘kuantan’ ‘pekan nenas’ is referring to the locality and is maybe mainly used if one is sure about it. If you do not have a locality, it is still P. nagyi.
    You might call it P. nagyi (trade, kuantan form’)(or pekan nenas form ) ?
    Though the white band to me would always indicate the kuantan form and pekan nenas only if the locality was certain.
    Dont know if I am making sense :dry:
    And I might be wrong 😳

    Rod Porteous

    I think you are right to my thinking Helene. Without knowing exact locality they should be same as holotype, which in this case is ‘Kuantan’ anyway. So they are P. nagyi ‘Kuantan’.

    Stefanie Rick

    Difficult question!

    But I am not sure whether you can speak of P. nagyi “Kuantan” anyway – if you don’t know where they come from. I think in this case you have to say P. nagyi aff. “Kuantan” – as you already suggested. To indicate that they look like the Kuantan-form – but that you don’t know the location.
    Calling them P. nagyi “Kuantan” implies that you are sure where they come from – like it would when you called them P. nagyi “Pekan Nenasi”.

    I think it’s like my P. rubrimontis aff. “Mimbon 2008” …………. they look like the form from Mimbon imported in 2008 – but it’s not sure if they indeed come from this location.

    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, I would like to add picture of my P.nagyi .. I have them from Stephan Menzel and He got them from Bernd ( is it correct..?). So this is the Kuantan form..

    Davy Grenouillet

    P. nagyi is always beautiful!

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