

P. opallios available at Wetspot

Home Forums American General information P. opallios available at Wetspot

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  • #9440
    Bill Little

    The availability report from Wetspot (Portland ,OR) this week shows they have Parosphromenus opallios available for sale. This is the first time in years that I have seen them available from their facility or anywhere in this county. They are small in size .5 – 1″. Price is $7 each or 6 for $36.. Because of the cold weather lingering in the northern part of the U.S. they will only ship them overnight to customers. It’s a little pricey when you consider the cost of the fish plus shipping but for those of you that have been asking for Paros, ANY species, this is the opportunity to have them in your fish room. For those of you that place an order, please post what you have ordered and post your progress on your response on these fish! Also remember to complete the census before the end of the month indicating you have this species.

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