

p. opallios available in UK

Home Forums Global Species p. opallios available in UK

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  • #5644
    john walsh

    Northern England retailer Pier Aquatics (Wigan) has parosphromenus opallios in stock currently. They have them in PH7 and are sustaining them on frozen mystis…but they are not in bad condition at the moment. The young assistant who helped me did not know much about them and (respectfully) I would not trust them to sex a matching pair if you were not able to be there in person to do it yourself. However, it is a great opportunity for UK members like myself to contribute to the project. I hope to breed the pair i bought yesterday…it took hours of dripping water into the bag to acclimatise to the lower PH, and they were taking live daphnia with relish this morning.I am using Indian Almond leaves and peat filter media to drop it further still. Wish me luck!


    They are also available in the U.S. from Wet Spot. I just received six that are quite small but still sexable, and they are schooling together and swimming around the tank and up and down the walls, and ignoring mosquito larvae that are much bigger than their mouths. Also acclimated from 7.6 ph.

    Peter Finke

    That’s very good news from Britain and from the U.S.!

    Big adult mosquito larvae are too big indeed for half or even fully grown Paros; but they like smaller ones very much. They will not become fertile with Daphniae alone, but glassworms or smaller mosquito larvae or even Artemia naupliae are readily taken with that outcome.

    I should suggest that you keep a pair separately aand provide a nice small cave for them with an even roof, so that a small bubble nest and the eggs will not slip out.

    But possibly this will not happen the next days already. Congratulations!

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