

P. ornaticauda by Ruinemans

Home Forums Global Species P. ornaticauda by Ruinemans

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    helene schoubye

    They look good, – good to see ornaticauda again. I had some for a little while, it is a beatiful little fish.

    Russell Green

    I have ordered 10 P. Ornaticauda through a local aquatic shop.

    They should be here for next weekend. Hopefully they will be in a good condition. 🙂


    Perhaps more members should try to get ornaticauda at their local aquaristic shops, if they are so rare and urgently needed by the P.P!
    On the website of Ruinemans you see that they are still in stock and there is a button (you can choose english and german and frensh as language) –> where to get the fish –> you can choose the country and see that perhaps a shop is in your region. I went to UNTER WASSER in Freiburg to ask them if they can order the fish, and they did, although Ruinemans has a minimum quantity to order. I didn’t just look if perhaps I find the fish in the shop already arrived … Price was 8,50 Euro.


    Here some new photos: (I guess the striped fish are female, the more red colored without clear stripes are male?

    Peter Finke

    Principially it is like you say, and mostly male ornaticauda are easily to be recognized as such. I can only hope that your animals which are rather young and weak (after having suffered by that illness before) will recover and get stronger by the good conditions they will finally find in your tanks.

    The exporters and importers know very well that they can sell many ornaticauda at rather high a price since the fish is highly wanted but a rare offer in the trade. They catch the new generation as early as possible in order to have an advantage compared with fellow-traders; and that means the fish are very young and by no means fully developed when they get in the tanks of the traders. They easily get infested by Oodinium and are further weakened by bad or no food, bad crowding conditions without shelter and often wrong water. Hundreds recover, but other hundreds (thousands) do not. I think that yours will because they have survived until now, but it is always a risk.

    In ornaticauda there is a spectacular normal sex difference in colouration as it is in most other Paro-species. But the striking thing with this species (and parvulus) is that there is a singular change of colouration in the course of display in the breeding mood: the female suddenly adopts the striking colours of the male, including that “red flame” within the caudal. This is one of the reasons which lead me to suppose that these two species do not belong to the genus Parosphromenus but are rather “Para-Parosphromenus”.

    But you should (and hopefully will) experience the normal sex-difference in colouration first.

    Gonin herve

    I receive one pair this weekend in water at 1280 µS,they are now swimming in a tank with water at normal parameters for them or at least the one I use for my Paros.They are really tiny.They come from Ruinemans.


    @Hachge: If they all survive the actual Census is no more actual 😉

    : thank you for your answer!
    Yes, they are still so small and tender … I hope the ones which are for Bernd tomorrow will survive that new stress and mine will survive ten days without me. But our fish and cat sitter did well last year…

    helene schoubye

    Just ordered 10 from my shop, they will be arriving tuesday 🙂

    Bernd Bussler

    Thanks Dorothee I do think though have also bred, but the amount is very manageable, so think 6 pups, but are also the first this year. They are very shy and still quite small. When you are ready I will start eight pairs at once in the hope finally to get a few more pups.

    helene schoubye

    I think it would be good to mention now that in fact p.ornaticauda seems to be available in shops in both Denmark and in the UK.
    I have aquired some from the shop in Copenhagen, and have reports that they can and have been ordered to the UK.
    So at the moment this species is strongly back in other countries as well.

    Bernd Bussler

    We hope it provides anyone to have this kind permanently in offspring, so that we always have enough ornaticauda in backlog.

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