

P.phoenicurus female, behavior?

Home Forums Global Species P.phoenicurus female, behavior?

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    I have made “stocktaking” in my phoenicurus tank and set a pair in the new tank, which was empty till now.

    Also I took out of my original breeding tank some youngsters which had still remained there.
    Now I guess I have one male and one female there.

    The female, if it is one – please look at the photos (the best one I made after disturbing the tank, “she” has lost a bit color – the others I made today evening.
    She is behaving a bit funny. After I made the “stocktaking” “she” seemed to be searching something. Today evening, she is dark colored and stays in the swimming plant.

    The other one (I guess its the male, I barely see “him”) hides behind the heating and the catappa leave at the side of the tank…

    Bill Little

    Does someone want to translate or interrupt the word “stocktaking” for some of us?

    Bernd Bussler

    Bestandsaufname: means the fish to count and sort


    Hello Bill,
    sorry – that happens when Germans want to talk english … :S B)
    Google translator told me that word when I wanted the latin word “Inventur” to get translated :whistle: :pinch: … I wanted to say, that I emptied the tank from things where the fish could hide to be able to count how many fish were swimming inside ….
    Sorry. Can you tell me the correct word for that? Than I will correct my post B)

    It seems sometimes happen to me to find funny words, I was the one with the “snakes” in the tank (just a word for snails) :side: :silly: 😳

    Bernd Bussler

    The first picture is certainly a female, just wait, they have to get into the game once, only patience as Mänchen will certainly soon if there is one show, now in its full glory. How many pups you counted?


    This time no pups, sorry.
    Perhaps there where too much fish already in the tank, I found another 7 young fish, but all nearly adult.
    And at the moment there are no black mosquito larves yet …

    Bernd Bussler

    As there are no black mosquito larvae? I can not catch any more ……….. but only because they have become too big, my Paros they can not prevail against it. There are now cyclops are just as good if not besser.Ich black fly larvae have been since the beginning of February fed my Paros they might even not mehr.In our rural areas there are black mosquito larvae without end, in every ditch to find them. :sick:


    Hello Bernd,
    In my garden water container was two weeks ago no little living food. (That garden is 14 km from here 😉 ).
    And my two buckets on the balcony are also till now not living. …
    And also the nettles still don’t grow here.

    I don’t know where to look after living food elsewhere in the aroundings here ….there is a public water in the parc but there are lots of Kois and small gold fish, I’m not sure if I can trust the water …

    Bernd Bussler

    With ponds in which there are fish, I would be wary of diseases and Para Terraced could entrain itself. Small waters and rain catch basins along the motorways are very secure. We have a couple of bomb craters in the forest and road ditches only in the spring have water, where there is cyclops, black mosquito larvae and other tasty stuff. This is usually in February going on, even if you have to chop a little ice. My rain barrels I can equip only in April.


    Thank you, Bernd. I will try to find those!

    Again to my phoenicurus: the female still stays under the swimming plants, in dark color.
    But now I have managed to photograph the male, I hope he is a male. He stays around the top of the heater. Funny. Perhaps he makes a camping clutch there too (like my linkei)?
    Its rather dark there, so I can’t see what is going on exactly. But it seems to me that phoenicurus don’t want a nice cave in front of the tank at all …..

    the male: what is he doing there?

    here him again (he is a male or what do you think?):

    Bernd Bussler

    In the photos is not much to see, even the females can show color in the fins. The eyes are still around, not “sexy eyes” because not happening. They show color that’s a good sign that they feel comfortable. This will certainly start soon 😉


    Here some new photos, perhaps a little bit better … but it is quite dark in the tank …
    They still stay at their place, the male sometimes is between catappa and tank glass, sometimes he comes around and stands head down for many minutes there, while she still stays under the swimming plants, dark colored.

    what does he waits for?

    he waits:

    and she still waits motionless:

    Bernd Bussler

    Still no Sexy Eyes, which will probably take a bit until it goes off, but does not look bad, it will come only patience. :woohoo:


    :whistle: this time I can watch them … B) :blink: I hope so …


    Now I found yesterday evening the female on the photos dead hanging under the swimming plants.
    Today morning I made a water change and afterwards the next female (its my first tank where the first pair of phonicurus came in when I got them from Aquarium Dietzenbach, first 1.1 then 1.2) swam up to the water surface and is swimming there in front of the tank, and isn’t looking very healthy too.
    Water parameters are: 4,7 pH, conductivity 18, Temp. 26°C.

    I will load up some photos, I manage only two photos at once, so it will take about half an our till all photos are uploaded!

    and here a photo of the two females on March, 26., 2015

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