

P. sumatranus?

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  • #8049
    David Jones

    Thank you, Bennie, for the compliment 🙂 and info on the sumatranus. Do you keep sumatranus now?
    And, yes, you have a good eye, there does appear to be some greenish gold glittering areas in the gill covers and even pectoral fins in some of the females as rendered in the photos. As for the black spot in the males- it’s appearance really depends mostly on the mood of the fish, and to a lesser degree the angle of the lighting and camera. There is clearly some kind of dark pigmentation in the basal posterior region of the dorsal fin which is more distinct when the fish is in full color and practically invisible when in a less colorful mode, but certainly not a well defined ocellated spot as is present and diagnostic of P. sumatranus. It occurs in both of the males – and there is even some variation of the coloration between the two males. Based on the photos I could provide, the experts have said these are P. sp. palangan (and associated names), and that, no doubt, is as trustworthy an opinion as we are going to get – in any case, definitely not the standard sumatranus.

    Best regards,

    Two photos taken today:
    Male – shows something of the coloration and finnage.

    Female (more distant in the tank so the humic substance affect the color rendition)

    Gonin herve

    Nice shot

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