

Paros in the amazonas magazine

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    Patrick Guhmann

    In the amazonas magazine (39)is an article about P. cf. bintan. The genus Parosphromenus will be the headline topic in amazonas 40 (March 12)!


    Peter Finke

    I was asked by the editor to organize articles for an “Amazonas”-special on Parosphromenus, and I agreed. This happened last year. Now, the next issue is it, appearing in March. It will contain articles by Martin Hallmann (on the structure of the licorice group and on behaviour), by Horst Linke (on the habitats of that fish on Bangka, in Malaysia and Indonesia), by Günter Kopic (on his methods of breeding that fish), and by myself (on the Parosphromenus-Project and its global structure). In addition, there will be some short informations on important special points.
    I think, it will become quite a nice collection. The language is German, however.

    Bill Little

    Outstanding!! the Amazonas magazine announced they will begin publishing in English beginning this month. Many of us are looking forward to the first issue. From what I understand they are going to translate articles from the German issues into English. We will have to see how long it will take to see the “Paro” article in our magazine

    Bill Little

    Amazonas magazine has posted a sample issue on-line – . For those of you who regularly read this wonderful magazine in Europe it might be interesting to see what articles were translated and from which issues. I would be interested in some feedback on the comparisons.

    Mike Hu

    Hi guys,

    I just found Amazonas in English as well.

    Please say the licorice gourami feature will be in the English edition. Do you have more information on this Peter?

    Peter Finke

    No, I am sorry, upt to now I have no information on an English-language edition of the articles I mentioned in that posting. I shall ask the editor H.-G. Evers.
    But I should give you a further information: Martin Hallmann and I have written the first book ever on Parosphromenus. It will be rather comprehensive (dealing not only with the aquaristic problems in detail, but also with nature and the destruction of the habitats first, all species and many theoretical and practical questions). My parts are ready since long, Martin’s will be in March. But: It’s in German.
    Up to now we have only a contract with a German publisher (the same who is editing “Amazonas”). But it would be fine if there could be found a perspective for an English translation and a publisher for that. The publisher of the German edition will surely appreciate suggestions.

    Peter Finke

    The of editor of AMAZONAS has replied to me already. He wrote (I translate):

    “Dear Mr. Finke, since January 2012 AMAZONAS will be published in the English language, too. However, it is an edition under license. The plan is to translate the German edition and publish it two or four months later. And the american publisher decides in accordance with an editorial board which articles will be included in it. Since there are many former editions there is a rich variety of marketable themes to be selected from for the first issues. I doubt that the small licorice will be part of that. The US-colleague knows very well that many Asians are interested in Asian fish but in America the main interests are different, as you know. I try to influence it, but the Americans take their own condiderations. If this would be the only criterion, they would print on cichlids only, all the time chichlids. And catfish. I am sorry …”

    (In German: Wir haben die AMAZONAS seit Januar 2012 in englischer Sprache vorliegen. Allerdings handelt es sich um eine Lizenzausgabe. Geplant ist, die deutsche Fassung ins Englische zu übersetzen und zwei oder vier Monate später zu bringen. Allerdings entscheidet der amerikanische Verleger darüber – in Absprache mit dessen Board – welche Beiträge hineinkommen. Da wir eine große Auswahl früherer Hefte haben, ist der vor allem in den ersten Ausgaben natürlich bemüht, gut verkäufliche Themen zu bringen. Ob die kleinen Luftschnapper dazu gehören, wage ich zu bezweifeln. Aber das liegt nicht in meiner Entscheidung. Der Kollege in USA weiß, dass viele Asiaten sehr interessiert sind an asiatischen Fischen, aber ein US-Amerikaner geht nach anderen Kriterien, wie Sie ja wissen.Ich versuche zu beeinflussen, aber die Amis haben ihren eigenen Kopf. Wenn es danach ginge, nur Cichliden, Cichliden, nochmals Cichliden und Welse, leider…).

    Now Peter speaking again: You American friends of Parosphromenus must become active! Speak to the American editor. Mention the foundation of ALFA. Certainly, there are some communicative channels to influence the editing strategy to a certain extent. And tell them it’s more than keeping fish, it’s sustainment problems in Asia, too.

    Patrick Guhmann

    [quote=”Peter Finke” post=682]
    But I should give you a further information: Martin Hallmann and I have written the first book ever on Parosphromenus. It will be rather comprehensive (dealing not only with the aquaristic problems in detail, but also with nature and the destruction of the habitats first, all species and many theoretical and practical questions). My parts are ready since long, Martin’s will be in March. But: It’s in German.
    Up to now we have only a contract with a German publisher (the same who is editing “Amazonas”). But it would be fine if there could be found a perspective for an English translation and a publisher for that. The publisher of the German edition will surely appreciate suggestions.[/quote]

    Great news, Peter. I think many Parofriends are waiting for such an work.

    Mark Denaro

    Great news on both counts. We should all make comments requesting the Paros articles on the Amazonas Facebook page. It is very active and they seem to monitor it quite closely. If enough of us do that it may tip the scale.

    I hope you are able to publish an English version of the book. I’m looking forward to that!

    I should have an article on Paros in Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine later this year as part of my column on labyrinth fish.

    Patrick Guhmann


    gestern habe ich mir die Amazonas gekauft und gleich die Artikel über die Paros verschlungen. Mit dieser Ausgabe wurden Maßstäbe gesetzt! Alle drei Artikel sind hercorragend geschrieben und sehr ausführlich. Nach dem Studium dieser Lektüre sollte eigentlich jeder in der Lage sein, Paros erfolgreich zu halten und zu vermehren. Neben Pflege und Zucht erfährt man viel über die Lebensweise und die Biotope dieser Fische. Ein Highlight sind sicher die vielen Photos in einer spitzen Qualität. Außerdem erhält der Leser einen Einblick in die Struktur und Tätigkeit des Parosphromenus Projekts und wird ermutigt sich an der Erhaltung der Paros zu beteiligen.

    Ich denke nun werden sich einige Aquarianer ensthaft überlegen, sich auch mal mit Paros zu beschäftigen. Ein großes Dankeschön an die Autoren und an die “Macher” der Amazonas.


    Steffens, Sylvia

    Ich kann mich Patrick nur anschließen: Hervorragend geschriebene, fesselnde Berichte sowohl für Neulinge und Paro-Interessierte als auch für Freunde, die sich mit dem Thema bereits intensiver befasst haben. Es lohnt in jedem Falle, sich ein solches Heft zu kaufen!

    Matthias Hofmann

    Kurz und knapp; Spitze gemacht von allen Beteiligten…. 😉

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