

Parosphromenus linkei

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    Nicolas BUISSON

    Good evening,

    I am a new membere Nicolas BUISSON, or Nico, I receve my first Parosphromenus from Hervé GONIN, un pair of P. linkei, and I have observed 5 young paros of 1cm since tuesday
    The tank (22L) sorry I did not clean the glass.
    the pair

    Nicolas BUISSON

    My parameters are 25µS 25°C pH 5.5

    Peter Finke

    Dear Nico, welcome “on bord” and give greetings to Herve.
    And I am very sure that you will clean your front glass when you will take your camera again 😉
    (That has happened to me also, but it happens only once).

    Nicolas BUISSON

    Hi Peter, thank you,

    I fi-ound a 6th fry this morning, there are a lot of leaf in the tank so I see them only when I feed. It is a beautiful species, I hope to find the other species that I search.
    I will take other pictures after cleaning the front glass

    Peter Finke

    “Finke’s rule”:

    Good parameters. Maybe you will find the seventh young.
    Do you know “Finke’s rule”?
    Some years ago a professorial colleague of mine from the university erected an aquarium when he saw mine. Some weeks later I visited him and we looked into it. It had developed very well and I found one young. Several minutes later he discovered the second and again I found the third a short time later. There my friend said: “I call this Finke’s rule: If you find one young fish, you will find another one too. And if you find two, it’s highly probable that you find the third, too. And so on.” At that occasion we arrived with Finke’s rule until seven or eight.
    So, I think it is very likely that you will find the seventh, at least 😉

    Nicolas BUISSON

    It is a good one 😆 , but no only 6 young Parosphromenus,, it is a great news for my first species.
    The male is very aggressive with the female and the fry, I added new leafs in the tank, may be they spawned and it is protecting its eggs.
    We will see later. I prepare a new tank to put the youngs into.

    Peter Finke

    Nico, very young fish will sometimes not respond positively to being transferred to another tank. If they are two months old, it’s no problem any longer. Perhaps it would bei a better idea to transfer the old. Very often, they react with immediate new breeding. Or put the young in a two liter round glass using the old water and feed carefully not too much. You can stir around the water once a day, the debris will assemble in the middle of the bottom and coukld be siphoned easily. Then give a small amount of new water. This is a well developed method!

    Nicolas BUISSON

    Thanks for the advice 🙂 , for my P linkei I change 50 to 60% of the water every week, so I keep his water for the new tank. and I complet with new water. I think that the biggest fry born in the middle of november, Because during a absence, my girlfriend try to feed them and she does not recover the tank and the female jumped. I received a second female 3 weeks ago, and those fry are too big (1cm) to be born from a spawn with the new female.
    I will transfer only the biggest fry, I do not want they eat the smallest ones.

    Nicolas BUISSON

    Transfert done, youngs Parosphromenus ok, I found 8 fry in the tank, and the male was keeping a nest. 🙂

    Mike Hu


    Great pics of this species.

    Well done with your fry.

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