

Parosphromenus opallios in Sweden

Home Forums European Trade Parosphromenus opallios in Sweden

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    Imazo has Parosphromenus opallios on their list.
    So all you Scandinavians keep your eyes open.


    Peter Finke

    O yes, do not only keep the eyes open; better buy some pairs! For several reasons: Firstly, opallios is generally very rarely traded, in the whole of Europe (resp. the world)! I don’t know of any import list of recent years that contained this species. One reason certainly is the fact that opallios is a species from Kalimantan (Borneo), and there are generally only few imports from there, ornaticauda, anjunganensis and linkei excluded. Secondly, our last census tells us that opallios has been nearly lost in our aquarium stocks. This should be a strong reason to get hold of some animals now. We must seriously try to alter that and build a strong opalliosbreeding stock!
    I very much hope that friends in other European countries place a note here if they find this species on lists there during the weeks to come! As I generally should advice us to tell us at this place about offers of interesting Parosphromenus-species in the different European countries, spec. Sentang and “Blue line” excluded (which mostly means “deissneri”, too. But in case of “deissneri” an exact verification is always advisable. We know of no import of the true deissneri in recent years in spite of many lists containing that name. There was only one import in the whole history of commercial licorice-gourami-imports that really contained that remarkably large and impressive species living exclusively on Bangka!).



    Imazo in Sweden has Parosphromenus opallios again.


    Peter Finke

    And again I plea for open eyes in other European countries. It’s not often the case that such a rarity appears in trade in one country only. The wholesalers deliver their fish mostly in several countries.

    But lucky Sweden! Volker, could you tell us which company it is that distributes this fish? The we could perhaps guess which other European countries could benefit from that import.


    Imazo is a wholesaler located in Sweden. A local fishshop here in Stockholm has a regularly
    updated list where you can see available fish.
    The owner of Imazo or responsable person for the fishdepartment(don´t know) is mentioned from time to time in the Amazonas magazine. He seems to be a friend of H.G.Evers.
    I don´t know if they deliver outside of Sweden. They have more or less the whole time
    Parosphromenus on their list.

    If you check the norwegian labyrinthfish forum, there is a regularly updated importlist from
    a shop in Oslo. The doing imports from Singapore. At the moment they have also P. opallios listed under the name “Giant Red Sparkling Licorice Gourami”.
    Under the same name P.opallios are offered sometimes on Aquab** by a company in the US,
    located in Portland,Oregon.

    So it looks like the source is somewhere in Singapore.

    Bill Little

    I was with the owner of the shop in Portland Oregon last weekend and he confirmed he had Parosphromenus opallios in his tanks as well as several other species of Paros. He also confirmed they were coming from Patrick in Singapore.

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