

parosphromenus phoenicurus

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  • #8660

    good morning everybody
    i am new her ,and first want to introduce my self. my name is alexander an i live near frankfurt/main/germany.
    i was breeding a lot of betta and apistogramma species befor ad now i nearly bite my teth of with p. poenicurus.
    my paire is spawnig regulary , until now one clutch of eggs is hatched ( the first)since than nothing .
    the eggs fall down on day two . by controling the water i found out that i hab 230 microsimens
    now i have 83 ms 27CELSIUS ph 5,2 kh under 1
    any advices ?
    thanks alex


    It is not a good Photo but my First phoenicurus hatchlings


    Hi Alex!
    I guess microsiemens should continue to go down on about 20 … Do you have material for humid acids in the tank? …. If the eggs don’t stick, the water parameters still are not suitable.


    Yes i have a Walter Color like tea;)
    The eggs Stick and hatch now the Photo is just turnend sideways sorry for that

    Bernd Bussler

    The water values see not so bad, but the Ph value you still need to do something that is too high. It may be that are not fertilized by the non-optimal water conditions the eggs and are therefore no longer maintained by the male. Actually, it is not glue the eggs when the ms is too high in the bubble nest. But 83 ms should be no problem. How offt you doing water changes, could be the germ load is too high


    I make Water Chance once a Week ( Every sunday) i am more down now
    PH 4.8 and 50-60 Micro.
    Bit it took me a Bit of Testing to bring it down
    Do i have to go lower?
    Take Care Alex

    Bernd Bussler

    No you do not have the values are ok walking Ph value through the feed still down further, but it is under 5 that is itself very well, it will come just a little patience

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