

Parosphromenus phoenicurus

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  • #7403

    Yes, it’s a pity that I can’t find the clutch … and the phoenicurus male seems not to be a camping Paro in front of the tank … they all are so shy …!
    I have no idea, where they hide … they have just some leaves and Java moss … I didn’t see the male use the two caves on the ground which I had prepared …. I am just preparing another one which can be fixed a little bit higher …

    But I was very surprised myself that they already breed … And I can count already 8 little phoenicurus ….

    I will keep my eyes open, to find out where Mr. P. phoenicurus
    hides his clutches ….

    Pavel Chaloupka

    yeah they just breed between the leaves, I have seen some of my males to care for a clutch between two leaves that were positioned one on another. If I would not have seen the leaves moving and male looking out, I would not even know there is a clutch in the tank.


    I even don’t see leaves moving …

    Gonin herve

    I have 5 cm of oak leaves in my tanks and I don’t even see the fish just a quick move when I’m close to the tanks.I will wait maybe I will be lucky enough to get fry,I cross my fingers

    Bernd Bussler

    This gives hope, have my deissneri covered with leaves, they have spawned regularly but does not produce boys, now I have not seen them already 2 weeks, perhaps I can sometime soon see young.

    Pavel Chaloupka

    Best wishes Bernd, deissneri would be awsome :)Are these the only three from the census?

    Bernd Bussler

    Correct and which are not so young anymore, let’s see if it still works.
    Otherwise, pack your things and let’s get a few deissneris and distribute in Paroproject :cheer:

    Pavel Chaloupka

    We just have to hope they are still there :unsure: Lets hope they are in case the whole story would end up with such a trip. Given the weather here, I would gladly go 😀 but I have to build my new fishroom first.

    Bernd Bussler

    Then you build a new plant, we might find a few more passengers by 2016 and then fly to Bangka? :woohoo:

    Pavel Chaloupka

    If the conditions are doable, I would of course love to go any my fiancée most likely too 🙂 She is pretty much in to any adventure 😀

    Bernd Bussler

    No problem, however, is not a pleasure holiday, little sun, beach and boredom, rather a lot and spend hours standing in water or mud. :blush:

    Gonin herve

    A fishing trip looks very interesting to me :woohoo:

    Pavel Chaloupka

    Yeah, but still better than catching wild Nannostomus on the Equadorian boarder where you have to travel for more than a week on fast boats to get to the locality and if anything goes wrong there is no civilisation within the reach. That is where she wanted to go with me too and I think Bangka is much safer option 😀

    Bernd Bussler

    Yes I think so. Was more often in Malaysia and Thailand on the go, think Banka will be similar. Except deissneri there should be rather few types of Paros there.
    Nevertheless, the habitat of deinsser interested in helping me but very. 🙂


    Till now I can count about 12 – 15 young phoenicurus in different sizes, the new 64l juvenile tank is nearly ready to become inhabited, the space becomes to be a little bit limited in the parents tank (36l) … and I guess new fish baby have more change to grow up when there are not so many youngsters nearby …
    After Christmas I will take again some photos!

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