

Parosphromenus phoenicurus

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  • #7532
    Bernd Bussler

    If it did not then write to me about “Private Messages” I can certainly help 🙂

    Arno Beißner

    Thank you for info and offer, Peter and Bernd.
    Yesterday i used panacur (powder) for horses and cows (flubendazol).
    Dissolved in water before.
    Panacur for horses and cows – it is cheaper than for dogs and cats 😉
    0,5 mg flubendazol pro liter in the phoenicurus tank and the boraras tank.
    The hydra is gone now.
    The larves are ok at time. (Photo)

    Bernd Bussler

    Very nice it is preceded with Phoenicurus, a few offspring and I’m not more concerned about the preservation of this type :woohoo:

    Andrzej Kowalski

    My Parosphromenus phoenicurus.


    Bernd Bussler

    Beautiful Paros, great pictures ……………… and the aquarium a dream. This is something I would have liked, but I am for growing “damn” and have for such a great aquarium no time and space, also how should I start out young fish there? 😉

    Andrzej Kowalski

    Thank you very much 🙂


    Some new Photos of the P.phoenicurus offspring!

    helene schoubye

    Just spotted the first p.phoenicurus offspring in one of the two tanks which was set up in september. Its at least a cm big, so it is a few months old. I have only seen the one.
    I set the tank up in september, very dark and really just wanted the fish to settle for a while. Obviously they did spawn and breed.
    So just to report this.

    Pavel Chaloupka

    Great 🙂 Seems like they were not too young after all :woohoo:


    But they are really hiding artists! Its amazing how long they manage to stay unseen! :woohoo: 😉

    Bernd Bussler

    Man, I’m glad to hear tighten the increasingly Parofreunde phoenicurus. With me is nothing, the males have time just color, nothing more. But I can not succeed in everything. 🙁 :dry: :unsure:


    Mine don´t have color … I always try to get a photo which shows that nice red … no chance till now … There was once the question if mine would really be phoenicurus … but they are from the same “stock” …

    helene schoubye

    🙂 Bernd, I think it will come, not to worry.

    But I will say about this species, – that from my observation, – the phoenicurus that I have seem to have a bit more ‘agressive’ temperament than many other species. It reminds me of the p.tweediei (or rubrimontis) which I also have. They are more agressive towards each other and towards the fry as well. Unless the male is guarding a nest, the females are really hidden somewhere in the back of the tank and not allowed up front.
    I only see the females when the male is ‘busy’. This is not so with for example parvulus or nagyi or linkei.
    Perhaps this has got to do with them being a bit more ‘difficult’ ?


    Yes, that is the same what I have observed … More aggressive towards each other …and much more shy towards observation.
    But in my case the male seems always to be in the back of the tank, perhaps “busy” and the females are the only ones who show themselves in the front, perhaps he chases them towards the front part of the tank….
    Concerning the offspring till now survived about 25 of them eventual parental aggression ….

    Bernd Bussler

    Yes I was also true many times before and thought what kind of Paros are, but there are phoenicurus. This will certainly work, and as I said there are offspring of phoenicurus. The “target” is reached now, we want to make sure the phoenicurus in our aquaria maintained :cheer:

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